

Increasing western US forest wildfire activity: sensitivity to changes ...

The timing, extent and severity of wildfire in western US forests is strongly influenced by climate: over seasonal to decadal time scales ...

Human-caused climate change at the center of recent California ...

However, a new study by a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientist and collaborators shows that nearly all the recent increase in ...

Effects of Climate Change on Natural-Caused Fire Activity in ... - MDPI

Climate change, with warming temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns, may increase natural-caused forest fire activity. Increasing natural-caused ...

Impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western ...

Increased forest fire activity across the western United States in recent decades has contributed to widespread forest mortality, ...

Wildfires and Climate Change - Americares

We have learned that global warming is manifesting itself in record drought conditions that produce famine in some parts of the world while here in the U.S. ...

How does climate change cause wildfires? | IFAW

Research shows a clear link between climate change and larger, more destructive wildfires. To reduce the number and the severity of ...

Wildfires and Climate Change: What You Need to Know

As wildfire activity increases, the loss of carbon sinks, such as forests and peatlands, amplifies climate change even more. Particularly ...

a synthesis of climate-fire interactions and impacts on fire regimes ...

Climate change is expected to continue to exacerbate impacts to forested ecosystems by increasing the frequency, size, and severity of wildfires across the ...

Wildfires | Climate Signals

... snowmelt and higher evaporation. Climate scientists have already identified the telltale fingerprint of climate change on wildfire activity in the past decade.

Warming and Earlier Spring Increase Western U.S. Forest Wildfire ...

Western United States forest wildfire activity is widely thought to have increased in recent decades, yet neither the extent of recent changes nor the ...

Understanding how forest fires affect carbon emissions and climate ...

This brings some good news, although rising carbon emissions caused by human activity, and increases in forest fires, especially deforestation and peatland ...


Swetnam. Research indicates that a warming climate will increase fire hazard, likely leading to increases in the annual area burned, as well as in the severity ...

Spatial and temporal expansion of global wildland fire activity in ...

Global warming is expected to alter wildfire potential and fire season severity, but the magnitude and location of change is still unclear.

Vicious circle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution has major ...

A vicious cycle of climate change, wildfires and air pollution is having a spiralling negative impact on human health, ecosystems and agriculture.

Forest Fires and Climate Change

[4] They found that our future looks “smoky” because climate change will worsen the three major factors that influence wildfire: having dry fuel to burn, ...

Impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western ...

Increased forest fire activity across the western continental United States (US) in recent decades has likely been enabled by a number of ...

Human-caused climate change is now a key driver of forest fire ...

In PNAS, Abatzoglou and Williams (6) present strong evidence that human- caused climate change is increasing wildfire activity across wide swaths of forested ...

Impacts of climate change on fire activity and fire management in the ...

Abstract. Forest fires are a significant and natural element of the circumboreal forest. Fire activity is strongly linked to weather, and increased fire ...

Climate change and forest fires -

This amount of fire activity significantly inffuences forest ecosystems. Ž . Schmoldt et al. 1999 provide a good overview of the effects of fire disturbance on ...

FACT SHEET: Climate change and wildfires in Canada

Accelerating climate change, largely from the burning of fossil fuels, makes wildfires bigger, hotter, and more frequent.