
A Review of Coral Reef Restoration Methods

Artificial reefs vs coral transplantation as restoration tools for ...

turning a bare reef into a highly covered reef and there is a scientific basis for the technique. By contrast, artificial reef implementation is widely used ...

Meeting 30 by 30: The Role of Coral Reef Restoration

A key component of implementing best practices in coral reef restoration is the consideration of climate impacts in all stages of restoration planning, ...

Active coral restoration: Techniques for a changing planet. David E ...

It has been found that 33% of assessed reef corals are threatened with extinction, and projections indicate that corals and coral reefs will continue to decline ...

Restoring Coral Reefs | NOAA Fisheries

Saving and restoring the world's coral reefs requires a multi-pronged approach that ranges from the local to the global level. Despite notable ...

Trophic Interactions in Coral Reef Restoration: A Review

For example, in addition to well-known restoration methods such as outplanting nursery-raised corals, managers and practitioners may also be ...

Coral Restoration Database | ICRI

However, a disconnect between coral restoration practitioners, coral reef managers and scientists has resulted in a disjointed field where it is difficult to ...

An evaluation tool for assessing coral restoration efforts - Frontiers

The ever-increasing need for coral restoration as a tool available to mitigate reef declines and aid in the recovery of lost ecosystem services ...

Coral restoration – A systematic review of current methods ...

It is found that coral restoration case studies are dominated by short-term projects, with 60% of all projects reporting less than 18 months of monitoring ...

A Review of Reef Restoration and Coral Propagation Using the Thre...

Coral reef restoration has gained recent popularity in response to the steady decline of corals and the recognition that coral reefs may not be able to ...

Restoration as a meaningful aid to ecological recovery of coral reefs

While coral reef restoration has been practiced for 50 years, activity has recently surged as reefs catastrophically degrade under climate ...

Principles for coral reef restoration in the anthropocene - Cell Press

Some forms of rehabilitation of assemblages of corals may be feasible, affordable, and ethical—using currently available methods and ...

Coral restoration in a changing world A global synthesis of methods ...

Coral reef ecosystems have suffered an unprecedented loss of habitat-forming hard corals in recent decades, due to increased nutrient outputs from agriculture, ...

Coral Restoration - Sea Base

In response to decades of decline, coral restoration is being conducted along the Florida Reef Tract, primarily focusing on coral gardening techniques utilizing ...

A review on ecological restoration techniques of coral reefs

Furthermore, a novel multidimensional restoration model based on system integrity was proposed and applied in restoring coral reefs, which may provide a new way ...

Implications for Policies to Protect and Restore Coral Reef Ecosystems

Scalable coral restoration efforts on a domestic level are analyzed and discussed. Three primary policy recommendations are made: (1) Identifying and addressing ...

Coral Reef Restoration for Risk Reduction (CR4): A Guide to Project ...

Typically, active coral restoration projects are designed to improve some ecological function of coral reef ecosystems through a variety of restoration methods ...

Coral restoration - A systematic review of current methods ...

Coral reef ecosystems have suffered an unprecedented loss of habitat-forming hard corals in recent decades. While marine conservation has historically ...

A review of coral reef restoration techniques - WUR Library

In this review the following three reef restoration techniques are discussed: 1. Coral gardening, 2. Larval seeding, and 3. Reef balls. In this report we ...

Coral restoration in a changing world - a global synthesis of ...

Further, active restoration is well accepted for wetlands and shellfish reefs however coral reef restoration has remained controversial both in ...

1 Coral Reef Restoration - NET

a comprehensive review of the protocol detailing the field methodology for coral reef injury assessments, the readers are directed to Hudson and Goodwin48 ...