
Always worried about your health? You may be dealing with health ...

Health Anxiety: What It Is and How to Cope

Do you always worry that you may have a serious illness? Are you constantly searching up symptoms online? Do these worries keep you up at night?

What is Health Anxiety and How to Treat It - BuzzRx

If this sounds like something you or a loved one experiences, it could be health anxiety, also called illness anxiety disorder or hypochondria.

If you can't stop worrying about your health, these six tools will help

Health anxiety is characterized by persistent and out-of-proportion effort spent trying to diagnose, treat, or cope with real or perceived symptoms.

My terror of living with health anxiety - Mental Health UK

The anxiety that you're going to get unwell or that you are unwell can cause daily life to consist of panic and fear.

Physical Effects of Worrying - WebMD

Chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger a host of health problems. The problem occurs when fight or flight is triggered daily by ...

Dealing with anxiety about your health - Evergreen Life

If you have family members who are either constantly worried about their own health, or are overly concerned about your wellbeing, you might be ...

How well do you worry about your health? - Harvard Health

The truth is: it's impossible (and ill-advised) to never worry about your health. But are you worrying about the right things? Let's compare a ...

How To Cope With Health Anxiety, According To Psychologists

There are plenty of reasons you might have anxiety about your health, like a diagnosis, a day-to-day environment that poses risks to your well- ...

How to overcome worrying about your health | Psyche Guides

However, contrary to popular belief, most people with serious or terminal illness do not suffer from illness anxiety disorder, and they are able ...

5 Ways to Cope If Health Anxiety is Ruining Your Life | One Medical

While the occasional worry may be helpful in keeping you on top of your health, however, excessive worry can be counterproductive.

How to Stop Worrying and End Anxious Thoughts -

Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. It can sap your ...

Health Anxiety - Part One: What It Is and How to Overcome It

Do you or a loved one worry that you may have or could acquire a serious medical illness and constantly research disease symptoms on line?

Somatic Symptom Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments - WebMD

You may also think minor health problems or normal body functions are symptoms of a serious medical problem. For example, you may be sure that ...

How Do I Stop Being a Hypochondriac? - MedicineNet

The symptoms linked to anxiety, like headaches, chest pain, or dizziness, can make your health anxiety worse since you worry that they could be linked to ...

Health Anxiety: What It Is and How to Cope

People with health anxiety may have a fear of developing a serious illness, or they may constantly worry about their current health status.

Health Anxiety | Symptoms & Treatment Explained | THIS WAY UP

This kind of worry is exhausting and can in fact take a toll on your well-being. If you find it hard to stop worrying about your health, and this worry is ...

Health Anxiety (Hypochondria): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

You may have health anxiety if you're constantly worried about your health or have unrealistic fears about developing diseases and illnesses.

When You Can't STOP Worrying About Your Health | Dr. Rami Nader

Health anxiety is known by a variety of different terms, including hypochondriasis and, more recently, Illness Anxiety Disorder.

Signs You May be a Hypochondriac

Hypochondria accounts for about five percent of outpatient medical care annually. More than 200,000 people are diagnosed with health anxiety (also known as ...

Why am I really worried about my health? The minute something ...

You are not likely a hypochondriac. You are very likely a conscientious person. The only comfort you might get is by learning how extreme ...