
Associations of park access

Park Access | City Health Dashboard

Why do we measure park access? ... Access to parks has been associated with better mental and physical health, lower death rates, and improved ...

Technical Assistance - Advancing Equitable Park Access

The Park Equity Communities of Practice is a capacity building and peer learning network that brings together cities throughout the US to focus on improving ...

Understanding perceived park access and physical activity among ...

Parks can provide a low-cost setting for safe physical activity, but older adults are underrepresented among park users in the United States. Using data from a ...

The significance of parks to physical activity and public health

... associations between individual physical activity levels and specific park characteristics. ... access, individual access, and within park access. Availability ...

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) - Green 2.0

The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is the leading not-for-profit organization dedicated to building strong, vibrant and ...

Who we are - World Urban Parks

We will act as a umbrella to national associations and connect park agencies, non-governmental organisations, universities, research institutes, business, ...

About MPRA - Missouri Park & Recreation Association

MPRA cooperates with public, private and voluntary agencies to assure provision of quality park, recreation, and conservation programs. MPRA is governed by a ...

A Framework for Assessing Equitable Health Outcomes of Parks

a ”Elevating Health Equity through Parks and Recreation: A Framework for Action,” National Recreation and Park Association, accessed November 4, ...

The Complexities of Park Access | Planetizen News

Typically, park access is measured in terms of the percentage of residents in a community living within a half-mile or ten-minute walk of a ...


Parks are important resources for promoting PA, yet few studies have examined how preferences of park features relate to physical activity levels and ...

National Association of Park Foundations

The NAPF provides training, information, education, and networking opportunities for the purpose of building the capacity of park foundations and friend ...

Park access - (Intro to Political Sociology) - Fiveable

Park access refers to the availability and ease with which individuals can reach and utilize public parks and green spaces. It is an essential aspect of ...

About Us - Advocacy - Research | City Parks Alliance

We believe that everyone living in urban areas should have equal access to quality parks that provide diverse, affordable recreation opportunities in clean, ...

National Recreation and Park Association - Facebook

National Recreation and Park Association. 53182 likes · 116 talking about this. Building strong, healthy and resilient communities through the power of...

Benefits of Parks in Your Community - Miracle Recreation

Investing in community parks can provide most Americans the access they need to public outdoor spaces where they can freely exercise and decompress from their ...

Classification of Parks

While the National Recreation and Park Association's (NRPA) Park ... Addison Park District provides excellent park and recreation access to its residents.

Revitalize Parks to Strengthen Democracy

In 2014, Trust for Public Land (TPL), a national conservation organization that creates parks and protects land for people, was invited by the ...

Park Access Fund - Vermont Parks Forever

Through these organizations, VPF helps foster families, youth programs, front-line workers, those with developmental disabilities, BIPOC communities, new ...

Association of Access to Recreation Facilities and Parks with ...

Author(s): McCormack, Marisa | Advisor(s): Pratt, Michael | Abstract: With low rates of adolescents meeting the national guidelines for physical activity, ...

Learn why parks are important! -

Parks provide intrinsic environmental, aesthetic, and recreation benefits to our cities. They are also a source of positive economic benefits.