
Climate change and the macro economy

The Dynamics of Climate and the Macroeconomy A Workshop

Understanding the interplay between climate impacts and macroeconomic dynamics is crucial to inform policy decisions, risk assessments, and long-term ...

Demand or supply? An empirical exploration of the effects of climate ...

Climate change and the transition towards a more sustainable economy can affect price and financial stability through their impact on macroeconomic indicators, ...


Climate change can affect the macroeconomy through higher temperatures, more frequent storms, floods and other extreme weather events.

Climate change and the macro economy - IDEAS/RePEc

Andersson, Malin & Baccianti, Claudio & Morgan, Julian, 2020. "Climate change and the macro economy," Occasional Paper Series 243, European Central Bank.

Forecast Direct No. 30 - Macroeconomic Impacts of Climate Change

The Macroeconomics of climate change provides frameworks to understand the overall impact. This approach complements the documented ...

The macroeconomics of climate change: Starting points, tentative ...

This paper provides scientific starting points for climate-economy modeling. The sensitivity of climate change to emissions of greenhouse ...

The economic commitment of climate change | Nature

Global projections of macroeconomic climate-change damages typically consider impacts from average annual and national temperatures over ...

A Global Analysis of the Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Change

We offer global evidence on the macroeconomic effects of climate change for a panel of 22 countries classified by economic groupings.

Climate change and the macro-economy: a critical review

The focus of this review is on the key theoretical and empirical modelling issues in the analysis of the macroeconomic risks deriving from climate change. The ...

Macroeconomic Policy and Climate Change - Ferdi

and consequently also in macroeconomic policy analysis. Climate change will have profound macroeconomic effects in developing economies. All mainstream ...

Climate change, the macroeconomy and monetary policy - NGFS

Understanding the macroeconomic effects of climate change is a relatively new issue for central banks. The work of the NGFS initially focused on central banks'.

Climate Change, Climate Policy, and Economic Growth

This essay aims to provide a point of entry for macroeconomists interested in climate change and climate change policy but with no special knowledge of the ...

Long-term macroeconomic effects of climate change

This counterfactual analysis suggests that a persistent increase in average global temperature by 0.04°C per year, in the absence of mitigation ...

Macro-Financial Aspects of Climate Change

These macroeconomic changes will have significant impacts on the balance sheets of key economic entities and thus on the level of macro-financial risks. The ...

Essays on the Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Change in ...

Climate change is increasingly recognized as one of the main global challenges of our time. This thesis studies empirically the relation between climate ...

Macroeconomic impacts of climate change could constrain growth

Global headwinds are tempering optimism: fiscal constraints and continued geoeconomic fragmentation threaten to slow the pace of the energy transition.

Macroeconomic perspective on climate change mitigation - LSE

Transitioning to a low-‐carbon economy will require significant investment to transform energy systems, alter the built environment and adapt infrastructure. A ...

Macroeconomic Economics Effects of Climate Change - YouTube

This project consists of two studies investigating the macroeconomic effects of climate change, one using data across 174 countries and the ...

The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local ...

This paper estimates that the macroeconomic damages from climate change are six times larger than previously thought. Exploiting natural global temperature ...


under the climate change at macroeconomic level in Asia. • Thus, this paper added values to the limited empirical studies on climate change impacts on.