Cluster Headaches
The Cluster Headache: Just Like Clockwork
These headaches are called cluster because of their pattern of striking in groups or clusters. They hit at the same time of day for a period of weeks or months.
Cluster Headaches: Types, Symptoms, and Causes - Healthline
Cluster headache pain occurs on one side of the head, but can switch sides in some people, and is generally located behind or around the eye. It is described as ...
Cluster Headache - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cluster headache (CH) is a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC) characterized by unilateral, excruciating, severe headache attacks.
Cluster headache: Epidemiology, clinical features, and diagnosis
Outline · Primary headache syndromes and cranial neuralgias · - Other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias · - Trigeminal neuralgia · - Primary ...
Cluster Headache: Rapid Evidence Review - AAFP
Cluster headache consists of attacks of severe unilateral pain located in the orbital, supraorbital, and/or temporal region that occur from every other day up ...
Cluster headache - causes, symptoms and treatment - Healthdirect
Cluster headaches are a rare but very painful type of headache, in which headaches occur in groups, or clusters. They are more common in males and usually ...
Cluster Headache | Peter O'Donnell Jr. Brain Institute | Condition
Cluster headaches can be a lifelong condition in most patients, although remission periods tend to get longer with age. To reduce the severity ...
How to Get Rid of a Cluster Headache - Treatment - Verywell Health
This article covers how to get rid of a cluster headache using natural treatments as well as OTC, prescription, and surgical treatment options.
Cluster headache causes severe unilateral temporal or periorbital pain, lasting 15 to 180 minutes and accompanied by autonomic symptoms in ...
Cluster Headaches | Kaiser Permanente
Covers causes and symptoms of cluster headaches. Covers medicines and treatment that either help reduce frequency or severity of headaches or stop a ...
Cluster Headaches: Symptoms, Treatments, Causes vs Migraines
What is a cluster headache? Cluster headaches are intense cyclical, one-sided headaches. The triggers for this type. Cluster headaches are ...
Response of cluster headache to psilocybin and LSD -
Of the 32 subjects with episodic cluster headache, 19 had used sublingual psilocybin during cluster attacks; 17 found psilocybin to be effective ...
(1) Migraine and Cluster Headaches - Mercy Health
Migraines and cluster headaches both cause severe pain in the head around the forehead, temples or sinuses, they typically feel and act differently.
Severe Headache Pain: Could It Be Cluster Headache? - Ebsco
Cluster headache is an uncommon headache disease characterized by short-lasting headache attacks with severe unilateral pain in the trigeminal ...
Cluster Headaches | Conditions | UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals
Cluster headache is rare in adults and even more rare in children and adolescents. Specialty headache care is generally needed to confirm the diagnosis and ...
People with cluster headaches more likely to have other illnesses
Recent research found that 92% of people with cluster headaches have at least one additional illness and are nearly twice as likely to take ...
Cluster Headache - McGovern Medical School - UTHealth Houston
A cluster headache begins with severe stabbing and burning pain behind and around one eye. In some people it may be preceded by a migraine-like aura.
Symptoms and Causes of Cluster Headaches
Myofascial pain can cause similar symptoms to cluster headaches. It is a regional pain due to localized tender nodule in a taut band of muscle, tendon, or ...
Cluster Headaches | Conditions | UCSF Health
Treatments · Calcium channel blockers. Calcium channel blockers, such as Verapamil, which relax the muscles in the walls of your blood vessels, may help prevent ...
Headache Care - Cluster Headaches - Jefferson Health
We offer a variety of treatment options tailored to your individual needs, including medications, procedures or even surgical interventions.