
Competency|based learning

Problem-Based Learning - Center for Teaching Innovation

Problem-Based Learning. Engaging Students. Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered approach in which students learn about a subject by working in ...

What is Competency-Based Education? - YouTube

Many schools across the country are exploring competency-based education (CBE) as a pathway for transforming the school experience.

Competency-based Education (CBE) - EDUCAUSE Library

The CBE approach allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of environment. This m.

Proficiency-Based Learning - Vermont Agency of Education

Proficiency-Based Learning is a key component of flexible and personalized pathways set forth in Act 77 and the State Board of Education's Education Quality ...

What is competency-based learning? - Quora

Competency based learning requires that students have very specific learning goals laid out at the beginning of the year.

Competency-Based Learning - SAU29

Principles of Competency-Based Education. Principle: Learning expectations (competencies & performance indicators) are clearly and consistently communicated to ...

Competency-Based Learning - Education Week

Learn more about an instructional model where students work at their own pace to meet specific learning goals or competencies.

Mastery-based Learning | SBE - Washington State Board of Education

Mastery-based Learning Workgroup. The Legislature passed House Bill 1599 in 2019. This bill established multiple graduation pathway options and tasked the State ...

4.5 Competency-based learning – Teaching in a Digital Age

4.5.1 What is competency-based learning? Competency-based learning begins by identifying specific competencies or skills, and enables learners to develop ...


Competency-based education (CBE) is an approach to teaching, learning, and assessment that focuses on the student's demonstration of learning outcomes.

Getting started with competency-based education

To support students' academic needs and interests, educators may consider using competency-based education (CBE) strategies. CBE refers to educational practices ...

Competency-Based Education & Learning Platform (CBE) - D2L

D2L Brightspace is a leading platform for competency-based education (CBE), offering robust tools to support personalized learning. Learn more about CBE ...

What is Project Based Learning? - PBLWorks

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.

35. Competency-Based Instruction

Competency-based education doesn't start from identifying the content of material students should learn, but rather it starts identifying competencies and then ...

Proficiency-Based Learning: A Roadmap for Educators

This roadmap provides links to free resources developed by Great Schools Partnership staff and tested in hundreds of schools.

The beginner's guide to competency-based education

We compiled this article to provide a comprehensive overview of competency-based education: its definition, benefits, as well as the practical steps to ...

10 Facts about online competency-based education programs

Some speculate the true value of independent study with its absence of direct instructor interaction. But this skills based model is far more robust than ...

Competency-Based Education | Capella University

Competency-based education is a learning approach that focuses on how well you apply your knowledge of key competencies rather than the time you spend learning ...

Challenge Based Learning | Take Action. Make a Difference.

Challenge Based Learning (CBL) provides an efficient and effective framework for learning while solving real-world challenges.

Competency-Based Education Guide: Benefits & Differences To ...

Competency-based education is the strategy of teaching, assessing, grading, and reporting students based on their ability to demonstrate specific skills set.

Competency-based learning

Competency-based learning or competency-based education is a framework for teaching and assessment of learning. It is also described as a type of education based on predetermined "competencies," which focuses on outcomes and real-world performance.

Competency Based Learning, Inc.

Kinn's the Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach