
Cooperation in the Infinitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma

Prisoner's dilemma - Wikipedia

The prisoner's dilemma is a game theory thought experiment involving two rational agents, each of whom can either cooperate for mutual benefit or betray ...

Cooperation in an Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma - YouTube

Game theory is the standard quantitative tool for analyzing the interactions of multiple decision makers. Its applications extend to ...

On the Determinants of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games

To provide a robust description of the literature's findings, we gather and analyze a metadata set of experiments on infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma ...

Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma

The predictive power of the size of the basin of attraction can also be understood from an evolutionary game theory perspective. The size of the basin of ...

Signaling and tacit collusion in an infinitely repeated prisoners ...

In the context of an infinitely repeated Prisoners' Dilemma, we explore how cooperation is initiated when players signal and coordinate through their ...

A new approach to the analysis of cooperation under the shadow of ...

Dvorak and Fehrler (2020) report, among many other treatments, the results of an infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma game with perfect monitoring (where ...

Experimental Evidence from Infinitely Repeated Games - jstor

"Rational Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma." Journal of Economic Theory, 1982, 27(2), pp. 245-52. Page 14. 1604 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC ...

Mixed Strategies in the Indefinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma

Specifically, in Section 3.1, we provide a direct comparison of cooperation rates between our experiments and Romero and Rosokha (2018) (which ...

No Strategy Can Win in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma - Frontiers

A homogeneous population hampers the chances of TFT to establish cooperation, but using computer simulations it has been shown that TFT can lead ...

Resilient cooperators stabilize long-run cooperation in the finitely ...

Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoners' dilemma. J ... infinitely repeated games. Am. Econ. Rev. 95, 1591–1604 (2005) ...

"Defect" in Prisoner's Dilemma in finitely-repeated game vs infinite ...

TL;DR: Infinite horizon games allow a lot of funky stuff to happen. Here, you can get cooperation on the equilibrium path by threatening to ...

(PDF) Communication in the Infinitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma

Because of this, agents still worry about the payoff from cooperating when the other one defects, i.e. the sucker's payoff S, and, games with ...

Solved Consider the following two player infinitely repeated - Chegg

Question: Consider the following two player infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma game. Look for the position of actions. Deflect Cooperate ...

Is there a way to outsmart the infinite prisoner's dilemma? - Quora

... cooperation is the repeated prisoner's dilemma. It turns out that in an infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma where all players have a high ...

Strategy Choice in the Infinitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma

... repeated prisoners' dilemma ... Keywords: infinitely repeated games, prisoner's dilemma, cooperation, strategies, experimental economics.

Game Theory 101 (#54): Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma (Finite) Cooperation fails in a one-shot prisoner's dilemma. If players repeat the interaction multiple ...

Game Theory Forum - David K. Levine

In an infinitely repeated prisoners' dilemma game in which players care only about monetary payoffs, can a NE making cooperation the only observed action happen ...

Infinitely repeated game: prisoners' dilemma

The profile of strictly dominated strategies (u,r) constitutes the cooperative strategy where x>0 and x≠1. The prescription (cooperative ...

14.15J/6.207J Networks: Repeated Games and Cooperation

Recall the prisoners' dilemma, which is the canonical game for understanding incentives for defecting instead of operating. Cooperate Defect.

Grim Trigger in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma - YouTube

... cooperated previously. As long as the game is infinitely repeated and players are sufficiently patient, grim trigger can lead to cooperative