
Current|Dependent Inductor Modeling

Inductor modeling with layout-dependent effects in 40nm CMOS ...

The proposed vector based modeling approach is accounting for these effects and its validity is demonstrated by comparison to experimental data. Improved ...

How to Create a Non-Ideal Inductor SPICE Model

In an ideal world, the only significant property of an inductor should be its inductance; however, real inductors always have some parasitic resistance and ...

Inductor i-v equation in action - Spinning Numbers

Zero volts appear across the inductor. This is true for any value of current and any value of inductor. Simulation model. Here's a simulation model of a ...

Modeling frequency dependent inductance and resistance of a ...

Hi folks. I just uploaded a file “Simple toroid transformer return loss model.asc”. My problem is this: I am trying to model a ferrite-based ...

Current dependent inductor in LTspice? - Maker Pro

The problem is that real inductors have a current dependent inductance and this is not modeled in the inductor model I have in LTspice.

How to simulate inductance matrix and variable inductor? - QSPICE

If variable inductor is referred to non-linear inductance against inductor current, I documented that in my device guideline, ...

Simulating a physical inductor by LTspice - YouTube

13:55 Go to channel Current-dependent inductor modeling and answer to LTspice-Inductor riddle Sam Ben-Yaakov•5.3K views

Inductor Modeling and Simulation - Part 2 of 2 - element14 Community

If the inductor begins to saturate, the inductance decreases rapidly and the inductor begins to look mainly resistive (the DC resistance of the ...

Inductor simulation in LTspice | Forum for Electronics

The first (behavioral) model with a table expression for the flux does exactly what you want (piecewise linear current dependent inductance).

L. Inductor - LTwiki

It is better to include the device parasitics Rpar, Rser, and Cpar in the inductor than to explicitly draft them. LTspice uses proprietary circuit simulation ...

Trapezoidal approximation of inductor current from moment to moment

As you already have heard and also got as an answer, the simplest method to take the evolution of the voltage into the account is the ...

Advanced Inductor Circuit Models - Technical Articles - EEPower

There are two elements needed to match the total losses in the inductor. The first is the winding loss which should be frequency dependent. This ...

Spiral inductor modeling for RF ICs - EE Times

This current crowding increases the resistance in the inductor, and therefore decreases the Q. The model must therefore have some form of frequency dependent ...

Advanced Inductor Circuit Models: Finding the AC Resistance

Model 1 is built from the data given by the manufacturer with DC resistance and inductor value. This is the extent of modeling used by most ...

Nonlinear models of power inductors: A survey - Wiley Online Library

As well known, a current flowing through the inductor wire induces a magnetic flux across the windings. For sufficiently low currents, the flux ...

simulating Frequency Dependent component Parameters - YouTube

216 In this tutorial episode I look at how components can be modeled to have frequency dependent parameters. I first analyze the way in ...

TINA/Spice/LM5165: To high inductor current in the simulation - TI E2E

I am trying to simulate the lm5165Y in Tina. I downloaded the model from WebBench and them modified the external components to experiment with different ...

A Temperature Dependent Non-Linear Inductor Model for a DC/DC ...

The model of an inductor is set up on the basis of experimental data, which are automatically acquired by a virtual instrument; from those data, a polynomial ...

Simulating Frequncy dependent inductor - LTspice -

Its model uses inductors which are frequency dependent (1.54uH/sqrt(f)). Using idea of some help files available here, i model them using G ...

Represent frequency-dependent inductor in Agilent ADS?

I'm doing some circuit modeling of on-chip passives. In this work, I have to add frequency-dependent inductors to ADS.