
Dengue transmission risk in a changing climate

Climate change and dengue: a critical and systematic review of ...

Endemic locations may be at higher risk from dengue if transmission intensity increases. Hales et al. [33] estimated the changes in the ...

Climate variation drives dengue dynamics - PNAS

Because of climate change, globalization, and other factors, dengue has increasingly spread to new countries and over larger areas, from tropical to temperate ...

Potential effects of climate change on dengue transmission ... - PLOS

Dengue fever is a major international public health concern, with more than 55% of the world population at risk of infection. Recent climate changes related to ...

A Review of Dengue's Historical and Future Health Risk from a ...

Several factors have contributed towards its proliferation, including climate change. Multiple studies have previously been conducted examining ...

Dengue transmission risk in a changing climate - Semantic Scholar

The analysis of the change in vectorial capacity of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes at a seasonal level for all regions in Bangladesh under two scenarios for ...

An analysis of the potential impact of climate change on dengue ...

Background: Dengue fever, caused by a mosquito-transmitted virus, is an increasing health concern in the Americas. Meteorological variables such as ...

Projecting the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in a warmer and ...

Climate change could increase malaria and dengue transmission because of an increased spatial range and length of the transmission season, placing a greater ...

How does climate change affect vector-borne diseases? | News

As climate change alters temperatures and weather patterns around the world, the risk of vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue fever and Zika virus will ...

Bangladesh is likely to experience a longer dengue fever season in ...

Our changing climate is already affecting the transmission of dengue fever, the fastest growing vector-borne viral disease in the world. This issue presents ...

Transmission dynamics of dengue and chikungunya in a changing ...

The transmission dynamics of arboviral diseases is highly sensitive to climate and weather and is further affected by non-climatic factors such ...

Climate change and the rising infectiousness of dengue

The global expansion of dengue follows the global spread of its mosquito vectors. Climatic conditions, particularly temperature, constrain the ...

The threat of climate change to non-dengue-endemic countries

Temperature and humidity were positively associated with dengue incidence. However, due to the negative relationship observed between ...

Dengue transmission risk in a changing climate - OUCI

Dengue transmission risk in a changing climate: Bangladesh is likely to experience a longer dengue fever season in the future.

"Dengue and Climate Change: Assessing Potential Future Areas of ...

Utilizing the results of the Dengue Enhanced Risk Priority Index (DERPI) and the National Park Service's Planning for a Changing Climate guidebook, an Impact ...

An analysis of the potential impact of climate change on dengue ...

BACKGROUND: Dengue fever, caused by a mosquito-transmitted virus, is an increasing health concern in the Americas. Meteorological variables such as ...

Climate change is extending the reach of dengue

Warming climates can increase dengue transmission, as rising temperatures and humidity promote the growth and development of disease-carrying mosquitos.

Changing Temperatures, Changing Risks: Modeling Dengue ... - SIAM

On average, days are about 5° Fahrenheit warmer than in the previous decade, and a summer dengue outbreak is underway. The local public health ...

(PDF) Dengue in a changing climate - ResearchGate

... 43,44 While much of the historical spread of DENV occurred due to international trade, urbanization, sanitation methods, and water storage ...

An Analysis of the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Dengue ...

The findings suggest that Dengue virus (DENV) transmission is limited by low winter temperatures in the mainland United States, which are likely to prevent ...

Impact of Climate Change on Human Infectious Diseases: Dengue

In that model, a one-degree rise in temperature in a month led to a 45% increase in dengue cases in the following month, while a 10mm increase in precipitation ...