
Deploy Serverless Defender as a Lambda Layer

Sharing Code Dependencies with AWS Lambda Layers - Splunk

The worst caveat of this approach is the complexity behind the deployment process: for less advanced users it may be counter-intuitive that in ...

Use AWS SAM to Create AWS Lambda Layer for Python (Serverless ...

I'm trying to use AWS SAM / Serverless application Model to deploy a combination of Python and native libraries to Lambda as a layer, for use from a Python ...

Serverless Security Overview - YouTube

Prisma Cloud Serverless Security protects serverless functions running on AWS Lambda, as well as provides integrated security across CI ...

Introduction to AWS Lambda & Serverless Applications - YouTube

... Serverless Applications, and by the end of this talk you'll know how to create Lambda based applications and deploy and manage them easily ...

Auto-Deploy a Lambda Layer - - Los Alamos Al

The usual installation method is to visit the Serverless Application Repository (hereafter, serverless repo) page from the AWS console, search for the layer you ...

Lambda layer: not a package manager, but a deployment optimization

Lambda layer: not a package manager, but a deployment optimization · It makes it harder to test your functions locally. · There is no semantic ...