
Error when refreshing Query and Data on Excel 365

Power Query Download Failed : r/excel - Reddit

One thing you can try is to edit Data Source settings (either current workbook or Global), and update (i.e. revoke and reapprove Native DB ...

Query and connection data not being refreshed by MS.

The file was working fine for months, however, today I got this error. After I got this error, the data stopped getting refreshed. MS Excel is ...

Troubleshooting ODBC Query errors in Excel - Spiceworks Community

Other users can open the spreadsheets and refresh, and then she's fine with refreshes for a few days or even weeks, and then the issue starts ...

Power Query issues after initial run of the query - Super User

If you want to refresh it, you must change it to output to the workbook or to the power pivot data model. In Excel, use Data>Queries & ...

Refresh error when other people using the file - Power BI forums

I recommend checking the data source settings in the file to make sure all are correct and have the appropriate permissions assigned and also clearing the ...

Power Query Refresh Not Updating Table Data in Excel

Verify that the data types for the columns in Power Query are set accurately. If a column is mistakenly set as text when it should be a number, ...

How do i get PowerQuery error messages within a VBA connection ...

If you have your query returned to excel table then YourRangeWithinTable.ListObject.QueryTable.Refresh. will return specific error message.

Unable to refresh data in Excel Online connected using Power Query

Although it's true that SharePoint and SharePoint Online don't currently support Power Query refreshes, the error message you get is related to ...

Dealing with VBA error 1004 when refreshing all data connections ...

Hi Folks, I'm using Microsoft 365, so a current version of excel. I'm having issues with the following code to refresh all the queries I ...

Solved: Report not refreshing due to the Power Query Data

this seems to be a data conversion error. Since powerquery does not download the full data so may not be able to face the error in the powerquery but after the ...

Power Query Errors: Please Rebuild This Data Combination

You can try declaring a variable at the top of your query to load the value from fnGetParameter like this: myPeriod=fnGetParameter("Period"), Then using that ...

Power Query in Excel tutorial: how to get, use and auto-refresh

Also, you can refresh your query to get the latest data from the source at any time, on demand or on a schedule. Now that we've established what ...

Refresh Data on Dynamic Excel export from Dyn365 Sales

Since a couple of weeks the Refresh data on newly exported Excel sheets don't work anymore.Anyone encountering the same issues on /Web Query Errors/?&

Out of Memory Error | Power Query | Excel Forum

On the Data menu tab, select "Connections" (near Refresh All) and for query, edit the Properties. You need to do this one by one. What this ...

Excel Power Query refresh fails | Salesforce Trailblazer Community

When I go to refresh the query, the refresh failed because of a column excel added to my data model called month index calc or something like that.

Unable to refresh Kobocollect data stored in Excel - API

Dear colleagues, I'm wrestling with Kobocollect data imported into Excel lately as showin by this error message: “Initialization of the data ...

Unable to Refresh Data in Excel - Microsoft Community

2. Please try to open the related workbook in Excel for Web (in the browser), click the Data tab and try to refresh the connection, then check ...

[SOLVED] an unexpected error has occurred - data refresh

every time i try to refresh this web-query, i get "unexpected error." not to mention that i can't figure out how to do this with excel2016 ...

Excel Crashes when updating a query - Spiceworks Community

Excel is crashing when trying to update/refresh data from a SQL server and displayed into a pivot table. The refresh button allows the data to be pulled from ...

Refreshing Excel Queries with Python - win32com not working

Your code runs fine for me using a general Excel file. Sometimes with Office365 you could have an issue where either another user is in the file ...