
How Government Caused Supply Problems

Economic Issues No. 6 -- Why Worry About Corruption?

* Trade restrictions are the prime example of a government-induced source of rents. If importing a certain good is subject to quantitative restriction (for ...

Supply shocks were the most important source of inflation in 2021 ...

Though the evidence strongly supports the powerful role of negative supply shocks in driving inflation up, it seems likely that positive demand ...

Disparate supply-side forces gave U.S. economy an edge

Supply and demand help explain output, price shifts ... Looking at how real (inflation-adjusted) GDP growth and inflation have behaved across ...

Demand–supply imbalance during the Covid-19 pandemic - CEPR

This column shows that governments that provided generous fiscal support increased the demand for consumption goods during the pandemic.

Supply Chain Disruptions and Pandemic-Era Inflation | NBER

The COVID-19 pandemic led to major disruptions in global supply chains. ... political affiliation, on its causes and solutions. 09/01/2024.

Supply Shortages: Here to Stay? The Roles Government and ...

In the wake of the pandemic, global supply chain challenges have driven massive product shortages and rising prices on goods, from cars and ...

Results from Semiconductor Supply Chain Request for Information

... production, caused significant issues. Zeroing in on the most ... government brought the industry together and encouraged increased transparency ...

Supply chain problems - Institute for Government

The causes of supply chain disruptions in the UK are complex. Labour shortages, Brexit trade barriers, global supply problems and panic buying have all ...

Shortage: Definition, Causes, Types, and Examples - Investopedia

There are three main causes of shortage—increase in demand, decrease in supply, and government intervention. Shortage types can include food, goods, shelter ...

Government regulations to mitigate the shortage of life-saving goods ...

On the demand side, because supply shortages can be caused by panic buying, the government can regulate consumer purchasing by limiting the ...

Global Supply Chain Pressures and U.S. Inflation - San Francisco Fed

Supply shortages caused by global supply chain disruptions following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic have added pressure on U.S. inflation.

Fixing Supply Problems Won't Stop Inflation | Chicago Booth Review

Supply shocks cause relative price changes, not inflation. ... Thus, inflation comes fundamentally from too much supply versus demand for money and government ...

Sticker Shock at the Grocery Store? Inflation Wasn't the Only Reason ...

For example, when COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine caused issues in the supply chain, the government granted regulatory relief and other ...

Dispelling Supply Chain Myths | Cato Institute

To summarize: Supply chain problems are exaggerated when they don't simply serve as convenient scapegoats for government. Even corporate executives have learned ...

How the supply chain caused current inflation, and why it might be ...

In other words, there's no end to the supply chain problems. Consumer demand is only going to increase through the holiday season and beyond ...

Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: an industry ...

Inoue and Todo (2020) modelled how shutting down firms in Tokyo would cause a loss of output in other parts of the economy through supply chain ...

Expect another year of supply chain issues - University of Rochester

Rochester economist George Alessandria explains what is causing the shortages—and why government intervention would be counterproductive ...

Supply Side Economics is the Cure for the Current Inflation

How did we get there? We hear a lot about supply chain problems, barriers that reduce the production and the distribution capacity of economies ...

The scars of supply shocks: Implications for monetary policy

... caused by the supply disruption. Indeed, lower productivity growth sustains ... Imagine that the government subsidizes investment in innovation at rate ...

How COVID-19 Shocked both Supply and Demand - Chicago Booth

Because of this, some policy makers and economists argued early on against government stimulus, which is the usual response to a shock caused by ...