
How Teens Can Make Good Decisions Every Single Time

Making Important Decisions Together

Ways to Promote Smart Decisions · 1) Promote Independence · 2) Model Healthy Decision-Making · 3) Encourage Teens to Have a Voice · 4) Be Available.

5 Ways to Help Your Teen Make an Intentional Decision

Encourage a break from the decision, as time permits. Self-care and grounding strategies can help your teen gain clarity. Getting outside of the ...

Helping your teenager make good decisions - Tutor Doctor

Once your teen has written a list of options for a specific problem, get them to identify the potential pros and cons of each one. This will help them see for ...

Why Should Adolescents Make Their Own Decisions?

When we experience a positive outcome, we continue with similar decision-making. However, if we experience a negative outcome, we are inclined ...

Helping Teens Navigate the Perilous Landscape of Good Decision ...

When helping your teens set high standards for their decision-making and behavior, make sure they know that even if they stumble, you will be ...

How to Help Your Teens Make Wise Decisions - The Character Corner

As they make wrong decisions, gently teach them what God would want in that situation. It's better for them to fall a few times at home with ...

Developing Decision-Making Skills at a Young Age Is Important

Encourage children to think about the consequences of their choices, both positive and negative. This can be done by asking questions such as “ ...

Teens need freedom to make decisions themselves - U-High Midway

As every high school movie demonstrates, we think we know everything, but we don't. Without some guidance, teens have a hard time managing their ...

Why decision-making is hard for your teen - Inspire Balance

When girls get clear on what they really want (aka their goals) they can begin to narrow down their options. When your daughter is overwhelmed ...

Teaching Teens To Make Decisions - Fathers for Equal Rights

For simple decisions like food, clothing options appropriate to venue or weather, responsible chores that teach many disciplines, these are all frequent and ...

Throwing It All Away: When Good Kids Make Bad Choices

The good news is that you have the power to influence your child's decisions by taking control of yourself—and not your teen. As James Lehman says, “You can ...

The Surprising Reason Good Teens Make Bad Choices

So, how d0 they go about earning that trust? · They show good judgement. This means everything from who they are hanging out with, to the way ...

Teens And Bad Decisions. . . A Practical Simple Strategy. - CPYU

The Principle of the Past: Don't make a decision until you think back. · The Principle of the Pause: Don't act to quickly.

Teens and Decision Making: We Let Our Teenagers Decide

My husband and I always strove to find the balance between managing and guiding our children's behavior. Leading by example, talking through ...

Empowering Kids to Make Wise Choices - ParentTV

'One of the best things we can teach our kids about decision-making is that it's okay to wait. In that waiting, their life could be saved.' Jason Gibson. WATCH: ...

10 Simple Ways to Raise Kids Who Make Good Decisions - Tinybeans

Practice makes perfect. Give your child opportunities to practice smart decision-making. This could involve giving them small choices, such as what to wear to ...

Helping Kids Make Decisions - Child Mind Institute

Questions they can ask themselves include: What are all the options? What are the pros and cons of each? How will the decision impact others?

Decision-Making and our Kids - CPYU

We have to live with our decisions. Here's a way to help our children and teens make wise and Godly decisions ... Recognize that every single ...

Why teenagers make terrible decisions: A guide for parents - ABC

But children and teenagers have been found to be poor decision-makers if they feel pressured, stressed or are seeking attention from peers. So ...

Use SecureTeen app to help your teens with Decision Making

Kids have to know that every decision has some consequences. For instance, they can't make a decision and forget about it. So, teach them that while deciding to ...