
Lay causal theories and familiarity with mental illness

Natural kinds of mental disorder | Synthese

To illustrate, it may be that at a cognitive psychological level something like Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance predicts people's ...

causal beliefs about depression as predictors of - RUcore

attitudes about mental illness. Theorists have argued that lay beliefs about mental illness often incorporate an essence-like understanding of genetic (and ...

Mental Disorder (Illness) - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The language here is highly contentious. There are exceptions, but in a long history mental disorders or illnesses have been characterized as “ ...

Biological causal beliefs and depression stigma: the moderating ...

56 References · Causal beliefs of the public and social acceptance of persons with mental illness: a comparative analysis of schizophrenia, depression and ...

An Attribution Model of Public Discrimination towards Persons ... - jstor

than attribution theory. Findings from this study also suggest that familiarity with mental illness impacts dis- criminatory and emotional responses. Those.

Fillable Online psychology yale Lay causal theories and familiarity ...

Lay causal theories and familiarity with mental illness Blame Game: Lay causal theories and familiarity with mental illness Margaret A. Martinez Senior ...

All for One and One for All: Mental Disorders in One Dimension

Comorbidity rates are very high in psychiatry (6); most individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for one disorder meet diagnostic criteria for a ...

Approaches to Mental Health and Illness: Conflicting Definitions and ...

Included in a more organic or biological approach to mental illness are theories that postulate that mental illnesses have genetic, biological, biochemical, or ...

Causal Theories of Mental Content

Causal theories of mental content attempt to explain how thoughts can be about things. They attempt to explain how one can think about, for example, dogs.

The influence of naive causal theories on lay concepts of mental ...

Two experiments, incorporating both real-life and artificial stimuli, demonstrated that lay concepts of mental disorders can be reliably predicted from ...

Causal Theories of Mental Representation

Many philosophers also require that a theory of mental representation provide the solutions to these problems regarding beliefs and explanations of these ...

The Science of Lay Theories - University of California, Santa Barbara

... mentally ill (Kvaale et al., 2013). Genetic lay theories also have problematic implications for people who experience health problems such as obesity ...


lies of those with mental illness (Herman,. 1988; Hogarty et al., 1986, 1991 ... ture of naive theories of causality. Also un- like prior studies, it ...

Psychiatric Evidence in Civil Litigation

theories of causation of psychiatric injuries, they appear to give little ... ”351 Causation of psychological injuries, and indeed mental illness itself ...

ABSTRACT Lay Beliefs of Anxiety Etiology as a Cause of Perceived ...

literature on lay theories of mental health that suggests that beliefs about mental health ... familiarity with the mental health conditions of ... The influence of ...

Theory of mind - Wikipedia

It has been proposed that deficits in theory of mind may occur in people with autism, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia, dysphoria, cocaine addiction, and brain ...

The Role of the Mentally Ill and the Dynamics of Mental Disorder - jstor

sociological theory of the causation and course of stable mental disorder. ... familiar examples. Each of these terms is derived from the type of norm.

An overview of and recommendations for more accessible digital ...

... patients and providers alike became more familiar ... Clinical review of user engagement with mental health smartphone apps: evidence, theory and ...

Relativity | Mind, Meaning and Mental Disorder - Oxford Academic

... (mental simulation), as wei as theory, in our knowledge of mind. The behaviour that signifies mental states itself has intentionality, and perception of this ...

Theory at a Glance: Application to Health Promotion and Health ...

A working knowledge of specific theories, and familiarity with how they have ... Lay health advising. Interpersonal Social Cognitive Theory. •. •. Media ...