
Polar bears are inbreeding due to melting sea ice

Fighting to survive as Arctic sea ice disappears, new group of polar ...

Last year, scientists in Norway found polar bears were inbreeding as the species fights to survive. A study found that on the Norwegian ...

More interactions between humans and polar bears are likely as sea ...

Global warming continues to trigger the mass melting of Arctic sea ice, causing polar bears to begin gravitating toward land, scientists from ...

Melting Ice Threatens Polar Bears' Survival

In each of the first three years of the USGS surveys, the near-shore ice melted an average of about 100 days, and the Southern Beaufort Sea ...

Sea ice reduction drives genetic differentiation among Barents Sea ...

... owing to climate change is predicted to reduce both genetic ... Sea ice reduction drives genetic differentiation among Barents Sea polar bears.

Polar Bears on Thin Ice - UCAR Center for Science Education

Polar bears are moving to land on the north coast of Alaska because the sea ice is melting and no longer connects to shore. This separates the bears from their ...

During Low-Ice Seasons, Some Polar Bears Are Turning to Glacier Ice

So when rising temperatures cause sea ice to melt, polar bears' existence is threatened, making them the poster species for many climate change ...

Polar bears are facing a new threat: Inbreeding due to climate change

Scientists said climate change and the rapid loss of arctic ice were causing habitat fragmentation, possibly leading to local polar bears mating ...

Why Sea Ice Matters | National Snow and Ice Data Center

A 2006 study in Polar Biology concluded that poor sea ice cover in the Arctic may contribute to increased polar bear mortality by forcing the animals to swim ...

Effects of sea ice decline and summer land use on polar bear home ...

Declines in Arctic sea ice have previously been linked with long-term declines in body condition and survival in SB polar bears (Regehr et al.

Polar Bears Are in Trouble—and Ice Melt's Not the Half of It

“All this pollution is transported to the Arctic from the industrialized areas of the globe,” said Sonne. “It threatens marine mammals at the ...

Polar bears migrate north as rising temperatures hasten Arctic ice melt

It was just a theory, but for years scientists believed what years of observation were telling them. As Arctic sea ice melted because of climate ...

Incest Between Arctic Polar Bears Now Alarmingly Common Due to ...

Polar bears are less able to migrate from one location to another as the ice melts, researchers say, resulting in increased inbreeding and a ...

Paws of polar bears sustaining ice-related injuries in a warming Arctic

Polar bears in some parts of the high Arctic are developing ice buildup and related injuries to their feet. The changes appear to be an ...

Ice Loss Forces Polar Bears to Inbreed - OneGreenPlanet

The bears have been reported to be much farther away from each other, making it harder to find food, shelter, and mates. Arctic polar bears have also been ...

Polar bear inbreeding on the rise as they struggle to survive

Polar bears are inbreeding due to a loss in Arctic sea ice, according to a new study.

Aviation, melting sea-ice and polar bears -

These changes are predicted to cause a severe impact on polar bears through loss of habitat, food and breeding areas affecting their reproductive capacity due ...

Interrelated ecological impacts of climate change on an apex predator

In the case of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), declining Arctic sea ice reduces access to prey and lengthens seasonal fasting periods. We used ...

Climate change drives polar bears to turn to inbreeding

Due to continuous strains on the species that are being presented by climate change, scientists recently revealed that polar bears are beginning ...

Melting Arctic Sea Ice: A Serious Threat to the Existence of Polar Bears

The study also indicated that the polar bear's body condition was linked to the availability of sea ice. Even the cub litter size was affected ...

A teensy, tiny glimmer of hope for polar bears - Vox

This is a true story. In the last two decades, the Arctic has lost about a third of its winter sea ice, and it continues to melt at a rate of ...