
Semver vs. Calver and Why I Use Both

Consider using Calendar Versioning (CalVer) - ONLYOFFICE forum

:clock4: CalVer's use of release dates allows for automatable, immutable versions on which everyone can agree. ⊠ SemVer introduces one more ...

Software Versioning Explained - Semantic (SemVer), Calendar ...

How do we version software? Should we use build numbers, Semantic Versioning (SemVer), Calendar Versions (CalVer), milestone versioning, or ...

Date vs Semantic Versioning in Temporal — Restack

Date versioning and semantic versioning are two distinct ... Management: Use Temporal CLI or SDKs to define and update version sets for Task Queues.

How — and why — to think about mobile app versioning - Runway

Calendar Versioning (CalVer) is a variation of SemVer that focuses on time instead of content. It expands on the idea that SemVer's fundamental ...

PEP 2026: Calendar versioning for Python - Page 3

Black and Ubuntu don't, but I was aware that they use CalVer. (Edit ... CalVer shows how hard it is to recognize CalVer with only two digits.

Designing a version — Sedimental

Semantic Versioning. Currently, the go-to versioning system for open-source software is referred to as Semantic Versioning, or SemVer. Take a ...

Software Versioning Schemes - Krystian Safjan's Blog

However, unlike SemVer, CalVer does not provide explicit information about API changes or compatibility between versions. ZeroVer: 0-based ...

On software versioning schema - (Fabio Alessandro Locati|Fale)'s blog

Unlike SemVer, CalVer is less documented, but the general idea is to use the release date to calculate the release number. Some examples of ...

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 | Semantic Versioning

Software using Semantic Versioning MUST declare a public API. This API could be declared in the code itself or exist strictly in documentation. However it is ...

From ZeroVer to SemVer: A Comprehensive List of Versioning ...

Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is probably the most widely used and often assumed default versioning scheme in open source software. It follows ...

The Cutting Edge of Versioning (LambdaConf 2024) - Chris Krycho

CalVer. Another approach is: use the release date. There are a lot of variations on this, but most commonly: four-digit year then two ...

FAQ - Commitizen

Mixing CalVer and SemVer is generally not recommended because each versioning scheme serves a different purposes. Diverging from either specification can be ...

calver - NPM

or pnpm add -D calver. Usage. The library can be used both as a node.js module and a cli app. Both usages documented below per feature.

Software versioning - Wikipedia

... either unique version names or ... In the 21st century, more programmers started to use a formalized version policy, such as the semantic versioning policy.

EffVer: Version your code by the effort required to upgrade

Version numbers are hard to get right. Semantic Versioning (SemVer) communicates backward compatibility via version numbers which often lead ...

Calendar versioning | Lobsters

So any software that isn't a library can't really use semver. 4 ... It can be arbitrary or semantic, not both. When we create a new ...

MAJOR.SEMVER.PATCH with Predrag Gruevski & Chris Krycho ...

Well, if we were to stay shallow for another two or three minutes and got all of us on board with the foundation of what semantic versioning is, ...

What is Semantic Versioning? (semver) - YouTube

... Use code "tastytreats" to get 2 months free - https ... Software Versioning Explained - Semantic (SemVer), Calendar (CalVer), etc.

Versioning - Python Packaging User Guide

The idea of semantic versioning (or SemVer) is to use 3-part version numbers, major. ... A key advantage of date-based versioning, or calendar versioning (CalVer) ...

A Guide to Semantic Versioning | Baeldung on Computer Science

We usually do this by specifying a range of acceptable versions which can be used. This is heavily used in an automated way by npm to manage to ...