
Shutter speed and shutter angle

What is Shutter Speed, Shutter Angle and How to get the Film Look

Instead of shutter speeds in seconds, rotating disc shutters use shutter angles. The larger the shutter angle, the more the light passes through ...

Using Shutter Angle for Video and Why It's Better Than Shutter Speed

Understanding what a shutter speed is has been with us since the beginning of learning photography. For shooting video, shutter speed gets a ...

Shutter angles - Cinematography Mailing List

Generally a 200 degree shutter, like in Panaflexes, is the largest shutter angle that I've found in 35mm movie cameras. Is there a 210 degree option on some ...

Debunking the 180-degree shutter rule - Wipster

The gist of this article is really simple: Whenever possible, shoot at 1/48, 1/50 or 1/60 second shutter speed unless you have a good reason not ...

Video: What shutter speed should I use? - Frequently Asked Questions

What we perceive to be “natural” is a rate of 23.976 frames per second (commonly rounded up and referred to as 24 FPS). This is the frame rate ...

DPReview TV: What is shutter angle, and why is it better than shutter ...

Have you heard video pros talk about using shutter 'angle' instead of shutter speed? Chris explains what shutter angle is and why it's often ...

Cheat sheet: Shutter angles vs shutter speeds | Digital Camera World

Generally, videographers will use a shutter angle of 180º – the shutter is open for half the duration of the frame. This is reckoned to give a ...

Cinematic Look, Part 2: Frame Rate and Shutter Speed

In simple cameras the shutter is shaped as a semicircle (and the shutter angle is 180 degrees). In more advanced cameras the shutter angle (and ...

What is Shutter Angle and Shutter Speed? - YouTube

Happy Sunday, everyone! How are you all? This week's video focuses on the basics of cinematography and photography with shutter angle and ...

Shutter angle vs exposure time: Open Talk Forum - DPReview

A 360° shutter angle captures more motion blur, a 90° shutter angle captures a hyper realistic look. A 180° shutter angle captures motion in a way that looks ...

Shutter Speed to Shutter Angle Calculator (Online Tool)

This is an essential tool for any filmmaker or videographer. It simplifies the process of converting shutter speed to shutter angle.

Shutter Speed vs. Shutter Angle by Kendal Miller - ProVideo Coalition

The equivalent shutter angle for 1/50 sec shutter speed is: 8640 / 50 = 172.8 (ie 172.8 degrees). Here's a handy cheat sheet with seconds and the equivalent ...

Why shutter angle is way better than shutter speed when shooting ...

The shutter angle setting allows the camera to keep consistency as you bounce between different framerates without having to figure out what the shutter speed ...

What is “shutter angle” and why is it better than “shutter speed” when ...

Shutter angle is better because it doesn't change when you change your FPS. You don't have to keep up with the FPS. You know you always have correct motion ...

Does the shutter angle remain at 180 regardless of FPS to maintain ...

Generally, fast-moving objects create that epic otherworldly look in slow motion. For subtle slow motion like walking people, 150-180 degree ...

180° Shutter Angle - Why I don't use it for 50/60p - Paul Joy

Shutter Angle stems from early movie cameras which had a spinning disk between the lens and the film. Part of the disk would be removed ...

Converting from Shutter Speed to Angles (Camera Lesson 03)

At 24 fps, 180 degrees equals a speed of 1/48. (A shutter of 1/400 at 24 fps equals about 22 degrees.) So you can either have a shutter of 1/48 (180 degrees) ...

Testing the Rules for Motion Blur, Shutter Speed, and Shutter Angle

In this video, Gerald Undone — with the help of others in the industry — goes about testing the different rules in videography which pertain to ...

Shutter Speed Vs Shutter Angle - YouTube

Shutter Speed has become common with the rise of digital video but there is a better way. FREE EOS R6 Menu Reference Guide ...

Sony is bringing shutter angle to the FX3 and FX30 (eventually)

Shutter angle allows you to change frame rates without changing shutter speed. 99% of time it stays at 180 degree.