- Mental health🔍
- Economics and mental health🔍
- Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health problems in children ...🔍
- Lessons from OECD countries🔍
- The social and economic impact of mental health🔍
- Effect of socioeconomic status on the physical and mental health of ...🔍
- The Socio|economic Impact of Untreated Mental Illness🔍
- How are socioeconomic status and mental illness related?🔍
Socio|Economic Development and Mental Health
Mental health, human capital, and youth-driven economic progress
Ensuring equitable access to mental health care is critical for youth development and human capital formation. Youths in good mental health are ...
Economics and mental health: the current scenario - Knapp - 2020
Apart from the accumulating evidence of the huge economic impacts of mental ill-health, and the growing recognition of the effects that economic ...
(PDF) The Effect of Mental Health on US County Economic Growth
PDF | Poor mental health creates significant economic costs, in addition to human suffering, and is a growing world-wide concern, ...
Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health problems in children ...
Socioeconomically disadvantaged children and adolescents were two to three times more likely to develop mental health problems. Low socioeconomic status ...
Lessons from OECD countries: mental health is critical for human ...
The economic costs of mental ill health begin before individuals enter the workforce, as mental health problems typically have their onset in ...
The social and economic impact of mental health - MAPFRE
Far from being a matter that only affects individuals, mental health is one of the great healthcare challenges of our times. It is also one with ...
Effect of socioeconomic status on the physical and mental health of ...
Marmot [7] found that SES affects health through social gradient, income, social exclusion, education, psychological status, and other factors.
The Socio-economic Impact of Untreated Mental Illness - PwC
The Socio-economic Impact of Untreated Mental Illness ; $0 tn per year in lost productivity globally ; 0% only of health budgets spent on mental health ; 0:0 ...
How are socioeconomic status and mental illness related? - Quora
YES , the lower the social status, the higher the likelihood to develop a mental disorder. And that poverty is does not make the access to a ...
How Socioeconomic Status Affects Mental Health | Psyclarity Health
The correlation between lower socioeconomic status (SES) and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse has been firmly established ...
Associations of Birth Factors and Socio-Economic Status with ...
Across outcomes, low SES indicated detrimental associations with various aspects of children's emotional development and mental health (e.g., ...
Mental health – towards economic and social inclusion
One of these was the adoption of the. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and in May 2008 the 193 member states of the WHO approved a six-year plan to address.
Childhood socioeconomic status and adulthood mental health
People with a suboptimal childhood socioeconomic status seem to be a high-risk group for depression, stress and anxiety in adulthood.
Mental health plays a big role in advancing the economy - we need ...
Mental health plays a significant role in productivity but is often overlooked. To maintain its promising economic growth, Indonesia must ...
Socioeconomic status, work‐life conflict, and mental health
Mental disorders are a heavy burden on society in terms of social marginalization and economic costs, not only for those affected and their ...
Making Mental Health Count - OECD
The high burden of mental ill health and the accompanying costs in terms of reduced quality of life, loss of productivity, and premature mortality, mean that ...
Are mental disorders associated with higher socioeconomic status?
Pre-existing disorders negatively impact a person's ability to get/keep a job, and the chronic stresses of being poor can trigger disabling ...
Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Mental Health | Study.com
Economic Factors and Prevalence of Illness ... Social psychologists and other social scientists who study mental health have identified a number of socioeconomic ...
Socioeconomic factors affect one's ability to engage in health activities, afford medical care and housing, and manage stress. For example, ...
Socioeconomic Status, Protective Factors, and Mental Health ...
Lower familial socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with more mental health problems in adolescence. The aim of this study was to ...