
Sovereign risk and financial stability

Sovereign Risk and Financial Risk - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

In the presence of such global financial risk, banks are forced to deleverage and reduce their investment in sovereign bonds, which in turn ...

Impacts of the sovereign risk perception on financial stability - EconBiz

Impacts of the sovereign risk perception on financial stability : evidence from Brazil · Bailouts, sovereign risk and bank portfolio choices · Sovereign and bank ...

Country Risk and Financial Stability | Encyclopedia MDPI

Some studies argue in favor of a low country risk. At the same time, a low country risk level negatively affects bank efficiency and ...

FSB RCG for the Americas discusses RegTech, crypto-assets ...

1 They discussed the role that sovereign exposures play in the banking system, financial markets and the broader economy, and the risks that ...

The Rise of Sovereign Risk - Oliver Wyman

During the 25-year “Great Moderation” that ended with the onset of the financial crisis in 2007, sovereign risk was perceived to have been eliminated and the ...

Bank Risk, Sovereign Default, and Financial Stability | SpringerLink

These events might (iii) force the sovereign into difficulties or even default and then (iii) feed back into the banks' balance sheets through their government ...

Impacts of the sovereign risk perception on financial stability

Using the System Generalized Method of Moments (SGMM), the study revealed that climate change exerts a significant negative effect on the financial stability of ...

Sovereign creditworthiness and financial stability - CiteSeerX

Fiscal buffers support the risk-free status of sovereign debt, while capital and liquidity buffers underpin the soundness of the financial system. NB: The ...

Sovereign Risk Solutions – Scores, Credit Risk, & Analysis

The Sovereign Risk Service provides short- and medium-term risk scores for creditworthiness and financial stability across 206 countries.

The Sovereign-Bank Nexus in EMDEs

liquidity risk, establishing fiscal sustainability, and addressing a tightening the sovereign – bank ... financial stability risk. Policy implications. The ...

Impacts of the sovereign risk perception on financial stability - OUCI

List of references · Altunbas, Does monetary policy affect bank risk?, International Journal of Central Banking, № 10, с. · Arellano · Arezki, Sovereign rating ...

Sovereign Risk Premia: The Link Between Fiscal Rules and Stability ...

These proxies are related to a country's past stability performance, government characteristics and survey results related to general trust. We find evidence ...

Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Framework for Market ... - JVI

This one-week course presents the IMF Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Framework (SRDSF) for Market Access Countries (MACs) through presentations, ...

Sovereign Debt Risk: The Next Big Debate? - Kluwer Law Online

As advanced and other economies across the world start to recover from the 2007/08 global economic recession, fears are now emerging in the capital and ...

Box 2.3 THE SOVEREIGN-BANK NEXUS - Banco de España

In certain contexts, the existence of a high number of financial interconnections between banks and the public sector may pose risks to financial stability.

Banks and Sovereign Risk: A Granular View – IWH Halle

Since the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis, banks prefer sovereigns with lower debt ratios and lower bond yields. Finally, we find that riskiness of ...

Sovereign risk | BBVA Research

Against a background of increasing concerns on economic cycle strength and uprise of global trade tensions, the central banks' more dovish tone helps that ...

The Rise of Sovereign Credit Risk: Implications for Financial Stability

The financial crisis and economic recession, and policymakers' responses to these events, have raised sovereign risk concerns in a number of ...

The impact of sovereign credit risk on bank funding conditions.

In emerging economies, vulnerability to external shocks and political instability may have periodic adverse effects on sovereign risk. Overall, risk premia on ...

Climate Change and Sovereign Risk - Green Central Banking

The feature was published as part of the ECB's financial stability review and explores the impact of an untimely or disorderly transition and ...