
Templates and Compile Time Execution

Template metaprogramming - Wikipedia

Template metaprogramming · Contents · Components of template metaprogramming · Compile-time class generation · Compile-time code optimization · Static polymorphism.

C++11 Template Metaprogramming — Compile Time Computations

Here is an example of how to use template meta programming for compile time computations. The example shows how to implement primality checking in compile time.

Reducing Template Compile Times | The D Blog

They allow the programmer to generate efficient and correct code at compile time. Long gone are the days of preprocessor macros or handwritten, ...

Considering Performance · C++ Best Practices

This applies to templates as well: template class MyTemplatedType;. This is a proactive approach to reduce compilation time and rebuilding ...

Comparing the Compilation Times of C++ Templates and Macros

We're going to look at a simple vector class with a size determined at compile-time. The usage of this class might look like this: The ...

LT: Improve Compile Time With One Weird Trick Template Meta ...

CppNow Website:​ CppNow Twitter: @CppNow​ --- Lightning Talk: Improve Compile Time With One Weird Trick Template Meta ...

Even Better C++ Performance and Productivity - LLVM

Enhancing Clang to Support Just-in-Time Compilation of Templates ... Instantiations of this function template will not be constructed at compile time, but rather, ...

Optimizing C++ Compilation: The Trouble With Templates

Expensive templates can really rack up compilation time. Below is a small template vector class. It's short on features, complexity, and testing, but it's ...

C++ Compile-Time Programming - ACCU

However, code can also be executed at compile time. This concept dates back over 30 years. Bjarne Stroustrup proposed templates in 1988 [Stroustrup88]. It was ...

Declaring compile time string templates and rendering them at runtime

I think users being able to reconfigure templates without having to recompile your code is significantly more useful than any benefit from compile-time ...

Compile time programming - Thinking in C++ - Linuxtopia

Compile time looping. To compute any loop in a template metaprogram, it must first be reformulated recursively. For example, to raise the integer n to the power ...

C++: Compile-Time Calculation - TFE Times

For this task, calculate 10! at compile time. Print the result when the program is run. This is called Template metaprogramming. In fact, templates in C++ are ...

Compile-time Programming in C++ - HackMD

Wanting to explore how does a compiler compiles the code. Wanting to experience function templates a bit more and understand different uses of ...

Programming at Compile Time | PPT - SlideShare

1) Template metaprogramming allows performing computations at compile time using templates. 2) In 1994, Erwin Unruh discovered template ...

Detecting type errors in template at compile time - Nim forum

But the user does not know when he compile his code that there are syntax (types) errors. He will discover later when executing the code, too late! $ ./foo foo.

A Compile Time Data Structure Using Template Meta Programming

A Linked List as an example of a compile time data structure, and its implement with template meta-programming.

C++ Template Metaprogramming: why it's so Powerful but ...

... compile-time optimizations, as the compiler can evaluate and execute code during compilation itself. Templates. Templates in C++ are a ...

Compile-time introspection and metaprogramming

... Runtime Type Information Parametric Polymorphism (Generics, Templates, etc) Compile Time Execution Code Introspection Code Generation · Avatar · Allen4th Jun 23 ...

8 Compile-Time Programming - C++ Templates - O'Reilly

Since before C++98, templates have provided the ability to compute at compile time, including using loops and execution path selection. (However, some ...

T# templates: Overview

Main method. Compile-time code. Compile-time code is executed either at compile time by the compiler or at design time by the IDE. Metalama ...