
The COVID|19 crisis and digital transformation

How to Harness the Digital Transformation of the Covid Era

The rapid spread of technology accelerated by the pandemic has led to a pressing need for businesses and governments to adapt.

10 Ways the Pandemic Changed Digital Transformation - TechTarget

The pandemic has brought lasting changes to how companies do business. Here are 10 important ways in which COVID-19 affected digital transformation initiatives.

(PDF) Digital transformation and the COVID-19 crisis continuity ...

This digital transformation case study highlights how, unlike traditional digital transformation initiatives that rely on relatively closed organizational ...

Digitalization and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

Against this backdrop, our results suggest that policymakers need to close the digital gap and accelerate firms' digital transformation. This will be ...

How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed digital transformation?

The pandemic helped to accelerate the digital transformation and created a landscape that will continue to encourage innovation and technological adoption ...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Shifting Digital Transformation to a High ...

This paper explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Digital transformation and vice versa. More especially, the article provides concrete reflections.

COVID-19 has accelerated digital adoption - Think with Google

COVID-19 has accelerated digital adoption — the time to transform is now ... technology and technology can also accelerate us out of this crisis. While ...

9 digital transformation truths that the pandemic rewrote

The pandemic changed widely accepted beliefs about how to achieve digital transformation goals. Consider how these new truths affect everything.

How firms cope with social crisis: The mediating role of digital ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to the strategic responses of Chinese firms on digital transformation and led to a call for ...

The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digital ...

This study investigates whether the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an acceleration of the digital transformation in the workplace.

How COVID-19 triggered the digital and e-commerce turning point

Amid slowing economic activity, COVID-19 has led to a surge in e-commerce and accelerated digital transformation ... the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID‐19 crisis and SMEs responses: The role of digital ...

We approach how a KM strategy could start from organizational resilience concepts to assist SMEs to seize digital transformation opportunities.

How The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Fast-Tracking Digital ... - Forbes

It's been imperative to digitally transform our places of work and education to be able to operate effectively. Those companies able to use ...

COVID-19 is Accelerating the Rise of the Digital Economy - BDO USA

The pandemic is a reality check for businesses that have been reluctant to embrace digital transformation and now find themselves woefully unprepared.

Why The Coronavirus Crisis Is Fast-Tracking Digital Transformation

In this video I outline the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation.

how to lead service employees effectively during the COVID-19 ...

As the COVID-19 pandemic is often referred to as a major digital transformation driver (Iansiti and Richards, 2020), we expect leadership ...

Post-Pandemic IT: Digital Transformation and Sustainability - MDPI

This research analyzes IT issues and trends before and during the pandemic using data from global IT trends research and surveys to project how IT ...

COVID-19 Accelerates Digital Strategy Initiatives - Gartner

Accelerating digital strategy is at the forefront for organizations amid the global pandemic. Increased IT funding is a key way ...

How the COVID-19 Crisis Reshaped Digital Transformation - Fujifilm

A few companies have used this crisis point as an opportunity to finally pursue digital transformation.

Digital transformation: 5 ways COVID-19 is forcing positive changes

The COVID-19 crisis is rapidly reshaping the "what" and "how" of digital transformation agendas - for the better. Look how organizations are ...