
The adaptive value of density|dependent habitat specialization and ...

Tests of Density-Dependent Habitat Selection in a Patchy Environment

optimal habitat selection may lock a species into hab- itat specialization, reducing the value of dispersal while simultaneously increasing risks of ...

Effects of migration on habitat specialization - CiteSeerX

Here, we use game theory and evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS, Maynard Smith and Price,. 1973) to model the evolution of habitat specialization in response ...

Habitat selection and niche conservatism - University of Florida

To encompass many realistic aspects of the evolutionary process in sinks, such as mutation, drift, demographic stochasticity, density dependence, and the ...

75.pdf - Douglas W. Morris

When habitat use is coarse- grained (MacArthur and Levins, 1964), a graph of the density of individuals occupying adjacent habitats (the habitat isodar, Morris, ...

Abstract - EcoEvoRxiv

Similarly, the habitat matching hypothesis (Table 2) predicts that less-social individuals will settle in low density sites and more-social individuals will ...

Negative density-dependent parasitism in a - ProQuest

The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality ... Webber, Quinn M. R; Laforge, Michel P; Bonar, Maegwin; Vander Wal ...

plasticity and fitness across habitats in a specialistgeneralist species

persicaria (Fig. 1). For both species, the adaptive value of trait responses shifted substantially between sites and density treatments. In the full ...


A review of some theoretical models of habitat selection and of the coevolution of characters and their environments highlights the importance of habitat ...

Setting the Stage: Phenotypic Plasticity as Habitat Selection

A review of some theoretical models of habitat selection and of the coevolution of characters and their environments highlights the importance of habitat ...

Adaptive landscapes and density-dependent selection in declining ...

Across taxa we find substantial amounts of evidence for population density influencing the location of adaptive peaks for a range of traits, and ...

Performance-based habitat choice can drive rapid adaptive ...

∙ Leimar, O. The evolution of dispersal – the importance of information about population density and habitat characteristics. Oikos. 2009 ...

Demographic variation and habitat specialization of tree species in a ...

Results In hierarchical models with species identity as a random effect, we found no evidence of a demographic advantage to resident species. Indeed, growth ...

Context-dependent group size: effects of population density, habitat ...

AbstractGroup size can vary in relation to population density, habitat, and season. Habitat and season may also interact with population density and affect ...

Live Where You Thrive: Joint Evolution of Habitat Choice and Local ...

Whether a single specialist or two specialists evolve depends on the life cycle and the mode of density regulation. Finally, we explain why the gradual ...

Incorporating density dependence into the directed-dispersal ...

Therefore, high Q values counteract the fitness advantage of DrD over the RD. Eqs. 5 and 6 suggest that properties of the habitat (Hi,. OL\, a2, Pi, P2) ...

Population dynamics of large herbivores: variable recruitment with ...

... density-dependent and density-independent factors. ... The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality.

Density-Dependent Selection | Annual Reviews

The unifying principle from theory is that density-dependent selection operates on phenotypic traits whose values counter the effects of ...

Michel Laforge (0000-0001-9128-1757) - ORCID

The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality. Nature Communications. 2024-05-24 | Journal article. DOI: 10.1038 ...

Density-dependent effects of mortality on the optimal body size to ...

Because small individuals experience higher mortality rates than large individuals in habitat 2, adult density increases and juvenile density decreases in this ...

some crucial consequences of adaptive habitat selection

Prey dynamics in these models often reflect a compromise between prey reproductive potential, density-dependent competition, and the direct consumption of prey ...