
The selection of determiners in noun phrase production.

A Review on Grammatical Gender Agreement in Speech Production

In German and Dutch, determiners are identical if the nouns are in plural forms. The so-called gender congruency effect was only obtained when ...

Selection of Gender-Marked Morphemes in Speech Production

By contrast, if singular and plural determiner forms are identical, as is the case for nouns of feminine gender, no such competition in plural noun phrase pro-.

Noun phrase - Wikipedia

In some theories of grammar, noun phrases with determiners are analyzed as having the determiner as the head of the phrase, see for instance Chomsky (1995) ...

Plural dominance and the production of determiner-noun phrases in ...

The materials included singular-dominant (singular more frequent than plural) and plural-dominant nouns (plural more frequent than singular). In Experiment 1, ...

(PDF) Grammatical feature selection in noun phrase production

We test this in German and Dutch, languages in which the choice of determiners does not depend on phonological context. Therefore, selection of the determiner ...

Determiners And Modifiers Of Noun Phrase English Language Essay

The first component of this phrase functions as a modifier for the main determiner and the order of these determiners cannot be changed (i.e. ...

Garlic and ginger are not like apples and oranges: Effects of mass ...

... noun phrase production in English. Theories of ... noun phrase using gender-specific determiners. ... determiner can only be accessed and selected through the ...

Plural dominance and the production of determiner-noun phrases in ...

Plural dominance and the production of determiner-noun phrases in French ... Authors: Elisabeth Beyersmann; Britta Biedermann; F.-Xavier Alario; Niels O. Schiller ...

Modeling the Development of Determiner Productivity in Children's ...

A context-free grammar production rule (Figure 1) cap- tures the intuition that a noun phrase can be created by choos- ing a determiner from the abstract DET ...

Lexical, Inflectional and Agreement Production of Arabic Noun ...

Best (2010) tested the production of noun phrases (determiner plus noun) by an English speaker with agrammatism; the results of the case study showed that ...

Eye movements during the production of nouns and pronouns

matical gender. Consequently, all the noun phrases pro- duced in the context and referring conditions began with the same determiner, and the pronoun produced ...

A frequency and error analysis of the use of determiners, the ...

L2 essays were produced by L1 Chinese and Korean writers at two proficiency levels. The essays' noun phrases (NPs) were marked for part-of-speech, co ...

The French noun phrase in preschool children with SLI

Elin Thordardottir and Namazi's study primarily addressed the production and mastery of morphosyntactic markers (mainly verb marking, determiners, adjectives, ...

The Morphosyntax of the Leteh1 Simple Noun Phrase

Speakers would normally prefer to produce the morphologically simpler adjective ... The syntax of the proximal, singular demonstrative determiner in a noun phrase ...

The production of grammatical and lexical determiners in Broca's ...

The authors argued that the difficul- ties of the agrammatic speakers must be due to case, since case is not relevant in an isolated noun phrase ...

5 Nouns and determiners - ENGLISH language II – unla

5.1 The noun phrase typically functions as subject, object, and complement of clauses and as complement of prepositional phrases. Consider the different.

Noun-phrase production as a window to language selection

Collecting behavioural and EEG measures, we examined the overt production of determiner + noun NPs in the non-native language Spanish, e.g., [la ...

Determiner phrase - Wikipedia

Others reject this analysis in favor of the more traditional NP (noun phrase or nominal phrase) analysis where apples would be the head of the phrase in which ...

6.3 Structure within the sentence: Phrases, heads, and selection

By “most important” we mean that it's the noun that determines an important part of the meaning of the subject, but also that it's this noun that determines the ...

Aspects of the Syntax, Production and Pragmatics of code-switching

nominal functional heads (demonstratives/ quantifiers/ classifiers) select noun/noun phrase complements from another language. Since the plural marker is ...