
The shale revolution helped make America's economy great

Getting Real on the Economic and Environmental Impacts of the ...

Although the shale revolution has economic benefits for consumers, its environmental impact may not be as positive as a new report suggests.

The Importance of America's Shale Revolution

What's more, our newfound oil and gas abundance has generated economic gains that are benefiting all regions of the U.S. Last year, American ...

Shale Revolution: Opportunity To Jump-Start Economic Growth

But the shale revolution is not just a temporary blip. It's a true game changer for the U.S. economy, and its impact is only in the early stages ...

Zeihan: Second shale revolution fuels US economic growth

The first shale revolution pioneered new technologies, unlocked new energy reserves and contributed to nationwide economic growth.

US Shale Industry Credited with Driving 10% of US GDP Growth

The shale industry alone drove 10 percent of the growth in the US economy's gross domestic product from 2010 to 2015, according to a new study.

The US is poised for an energy revolution | Goldman Sachs

The shale boom has allowed the U.S. to produce low-cost energy comparable in scale and efficiency to the Middle East, Michele Della Vigna, head ...

America's Energy Revolution - AXPC

American energy became the feedstock for historic economic growth, brought manufacturing jobs back home, and provided lower energy prices for Americans – as ...

The Global Impact of US Shale by Daniel Yergin - Project Syndicate

The biggest innovation in energy so far this century has been the development of shale gas and the closely associated resource known as ...

The Great US Shale-based Energy Revolution Has Revitalized the ...

IHS just released a new study titled “America's New Energy Future: The Unconventional Revolution and the US Economy,” about America's ...

How subsidies aided the US shale oil and gas boom | SEI

It finds that federal subsidies amplified the expected financial returns of investing in unconventional oil and gas development, thereby helping to spur and ...

Remarks by Secretary Brouillette to the 2020 Shale Insight Conference

We unleashed a shale revolution that made us the world's leading oil producer, its leading natural gas producer, and a net LNG exporter for ...

The Economist - But will the country's oil riches... - Facebook

The shale revolution helped make America's economy great. A fracking good ... Toxic politics could derail America's economic boom. The world should hope ...


A country is only as strong as its capacity to build. Managed properly, the ... Shale gas has the potential to bring significant benefits to the U.S. economy as a.

What the end of the US shale revolution would mean for the world

Rapid shale growth delivered a huge stimulus to the global economy by keeping fuel prices low, and freed Washington's hands to take on oil-rich ...

Implications of the U.S. Shale Energy Revolution for China

The reverberations of the shale energy revolution in the United States, which helped the U.S. surpass Russia to become the world's largest ...

The shale oil boom and the US economy: Spillovers and time ...

The shale revolution may have changed this relationship. The massive surge in the production of shale (i.e., unconventional) oil, which started ...

The Economic Impacts of the Shale Revolution

Finally, reduced imports of crude oil and natural gas, coupled with recently increased exports of domestic re- sources, have substantially strengthened the US ...

U.S. Shale Revolution and Its Spillover Effects on the Global ...

With significant cost deflation for oil service products, the breakeven cost of shale production has declined. As a result, despite dramatically ...

Energy Efficiency and the Shale Revolution - World Bank Document

Improvements in energy efficiency have significantly contributed to this decline in U.S. oil intensity, while a structural shift of the U.S. economy to less ...

U.S. Natural Gas in the Global Economy - CSIS

The shale revolution, made possible by the economically viable extraction of large natural gas (and oil) deposits trapped in geologic ...