
Transportation Equity

Transportation Equity: DOT Could Improve Some Performance ...

What GAO Found. The Department of Transportation (DOT) added a new strategic goal in its fiscal year 2022-2026 strategic plan that aims to ...

Transportation Data Equity Initiative

Allen School of Computer Science and the Washington State Transportation Center. The Transportation Data Equity Initiative is a project sponsored by The ...

Our Commitment to Transportation Equity - MnDOT

Transportation equity means the benefits and burdens of transportation systems, services and spending are fair and just, which historically has not been the ...

Lake Tahoe's First Transportation Equity Study

The Equity Study and TRPA's environmental justice initiatives seek to identify the needs, concerns, and vulnerabilities of all those living, working, and ...

Equity Transportation | Home

Welcome to Equity Transportation, a Michigan based company that is owned and operated by a family that has roots in the Transportation Industry dating back ...

Leverage the transportation network to promote inclusive growth

CMAP and partners should develop materials and trainings for local governments looking to conduct HIAs that use health equity concepts and goals in the planning ...

Transportation Equity Program | Boston Region MPO

Transportation Equity Program ... The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) strives to facilitate an inclusive and transparent planning process ...

Transportation Equity - Vermont Agency of Transportation

What is a Transportation Equity Framework? A Transportation Equity Framework is a tool to help decision makers plan for and prioritize projects, ensure accurate ...

Sustainable Transportation Equity Project | California Air Resources ...

The Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) funds a variety of clean transportation and supporting projects, such as public transit ...

Using data to tackle transport equity - Arup

The Equity Framework leads users through a data-driven investigation of key transportation metrics so they can pinpoint underperforming areas. With this insight ...

Transportation Equity Research

Transportation equity research is being conducted at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention to promote equitable and safe mobility.

Seattle's Transportation Equity Framework

The TEF is a roadmap for SDOT decision-makers, employees, stakeholders, partners, and the greater community to collaboratively create an equitable ...

VHB Viewpoints | Transportation Equity

We look forward to continued client partnerships focused on delivering solutions that provide fair access to mobility and transportation.

Transportation and Mobility Equity - The Greenlining Institute

The Greenlining Institute focuses on Mobility Equity: a transportation system that increases access to high quality mobility options, reduces air pollution, and ...

TransitCenter Equity Dashboard

The Transportation Equity Dashboard tracks access to opportunities for residents of seven US cities, visualizing how access by public transit changes over time ...

Transportation Equity Network - Wikipedia

Transportation Equity Network ... The Transportation Equity Network (TEN) is a project of the Gamaliel Foundation and a grassroots organization with more than 350 ...

Transportation Equity - OSF

Transportation equity is a way to frame distributive justice concerns in relation to how social, economic, and government institutions shape the ...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The goal is to create transformational change within the transit industry and to promote public transportation services that ensure racial ...

Transportation Equity | SNHPC

Transportation equity seeks fairness in mobility and accessibility to meet the needs of all community members.

Addressing Urban Transportation Equity in the United States

Transportation touches almost every aspect of our lives and plays a pivotal role in shaping human interactions, economic mobility, and sustainability.