
What are the weirdest things you've seen happen at a funeral?

People Share The Craziest Thing They've Ever Seen Happen At A ...

At my mom's funeral I gave a eulogy to a bunch of empty chairs. I was the only person there besides the grounds people at the cemetery. I just ...

32 Funny Things That Have Happened at a Funeral |

Like, it's pretty hard not to giggle if someone's last request was for the pallbearers to wear clown noses while carrying the casket. It's also ...

Funny moments at funerals | Mumsnet

... thing that happened at my Nana's funeral where we all lost it to laughter. ... to talk to my dad - it was the funniest thing. We're Welsh ...

George Takei - The Weirdest Things People Ever Heard At A...

When we were in church for my mother's funeral mass, the priest, wearing vestments, walked around the casket waving incense over it. My 5 year old daughter ...

Another question I get asked a lot as a Funeral Director and ...

Another question I get asked a lot as a Funeral Director and Mortician is “What is the weirdest thing you have seen or experienced as a ...

12 Strange Funerals and Funeral Traditions | Mental Floss

3. Go out with a bump and grind. You only die once, so why not have a good time at your funeral? · 5. The end of the road. They say you can't ...

The Wonderfully Weird Things That Can Happen When A Loved ...

My father died when I was 13. For a long time I didn't know anyone who had experienced the death of a loved one so I didn't have anyone else to ...

25 Inappropriate, Crazy Or Strange Funerals Folks Have Witnessed

It slips under the cemetery fence, and now crosses grave after grave until he is only a few feet away. everyone is watching it intently as it walks up to the ...

'I'm a Funeral Director, I've Had Some Bizarre Requests' - Newsweek

I once walked into a preparation room where a woman had been embalmed. There was a little box next to her feet that I had opened. Inside was a ...

6 Things Funeral Directors are Dying to Tell You (But Never Will)

Funeral directors aren't like the bad apples you read about in the newspaper or the vampire-like characters you see on TV. They aren't trying to steal your ...

Best Funeral Ever (April Fool's 2009) - Improv Everywhere

Organizing with the agents. The funeral we picked was in Greenwood Cemetery, an enormous plot of land in Brooklyn. (I'm not going to list the ...

funny stories and experiences while in the funeral industry

Instead they are in chronological order from oldest to newest. ... An awkwardly funny incident I saw on a funeral between the priest, conductor and a mourner.

28 Funeral Directors On The Craziest Thing To Happen To Them At ...

“The craziest thing that ever happened to me at a funeral home was when someone tried to break into the funeral home in the middle of the night.

How to Avoid Being an Exploding Corpse After You Die - VICE

It reduces the body to a disgusting chunky brown slurry. It's horrendous. I have not seen this in person with my own eyes, but I have seen many ...

A psychic aunt called me heartless at Thanksgiving. Things got ...

I wasn't scared to look at her laid out in the coffin. She looked like herself, I thought. I only cried when I saw my dad and Don break down. I ...

30 Times When Funerals Were Too Funny Not To Laugh

My cousin said, 'Uncle Bob would have laughed, too.'" — wisdom_failed. 27 of 30.

Funeral Home Workers Describe The Creepiest Thing That They've ...

From Redditor /u/Pays_in_snakes: I was filling out paperwork over one of the stiffs all by myself while working late when it shuddered. Never saw that before or ...

What Is the Weirdest Thing Families Have Ever Done at a Funeral?

Watch more AskReddit stories: Subscribe to Reddit On Tap for daily ...

What's Your Question: is it wrong not to have a funeral?

All was understood. We had a private family viewing, then a cremation. The day afterwards, my brother said, and I'll quote as best as I can “Well, funerals are ...

Strange, Tragic, And Embarrassing Things That Happened On The ...

Forget Something? ... During a funeral procession in Indonesia, mourners watched in horror as the body they were delivering to its final resting place broke ...