
Why Jesus Didn't Choose His Own Siblings As Among The Apostles

How Jesus Confronted and Corrected Others - Feeding on Christ

He basically said, “You should be more like your sister.” This might strike some as being a psychologically harmful way to correct people, ...

Why Jesus Only Chose Men to Be Priests | The Just Measure

John to be fishers of men and, as we know, only chose men to be part of the twelve apostles. Now this is something everyone accepts as a fact; ...

Why didn't Jesus have female disciples? - Simply Church

”in His own image”. Having been a Southern Baptist Pastor for many ... Your Sister in Our Lord Christ Jesus! Bless You All!!! Juliana ...

Does Following Jesus Mean Leaving Family Behind?

Following Jesus may require leaving family behind. This was not the case for James and John, as they served Jesus together as brothers, and their mother ...

Why Jesus did not choose a woman among the apostles

Though beginning his ministry among his own Jewish nation, Jesus did not reject people belonging to other races. As the suffering servant, he proclaimed his ...

A Band of Brothers | Ed Newton Ministries

... Jesus didn't walk through life on His own—He had brothers with Him. He chose twelve that would be His disciples, and wherever Jesus went ...

What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to hate our father and ...

Jesus' illustration helps explain His difficult statement about hating our mother and father—namely, we must count the cost of being a disciple.

“If Jesus were really counter-cultural in his treatment of women, why ...

Jesus' teachings do not focus on the apostles' ethnicity or sex as a model for Christian leadership. Otherwise no Gentile church could have its own leaders but ...

Why no women among Jesus' apostles? (Matthew 10:1-4)

In their culture, women were not viewed as messengers, and even the apostles sometimes distrusted what the women told them (compare Luke 24:11).

Crowds Vs Disciples - Word By Mail

He knew they weren't coming for the right reasons. They were there to get something from Jesus. They were not there to commit to follow Jesus as the Messiah.

Andrew: A Disciple Behind the Scenes — LFF - Living Faith Fellowship

Despite this, Andrew does not let his own doubts stop him from bringing this potential solution before Christ. He simply chose to introduce ...

Did Jesus Appear to 500 People After His Resurrection?

Who were the apostles if not the twelve, after Jesus' death? Paul included himself as an apostle, of course, but he is not included in this appearance to “all ...

Why Didn't the Disciples Believe Mary Magdalene?

Jesus did not choose people with doctorates in theology to share their love for him with others. Just remember that. Jesus didn't call the trained. He trained ...

Simon Peter & Andrew in The Chosen (Adapting Biblical Characters)

The show has relatively less interest in Andrew, Peter's brother, giving less attention to his role in the Gospels and instead using him as a ...

Why Does Jesus Give His Mother to John While on the Cross?

While it is true that Jesus' half-brothers would have had a legal responsibility to care for their mother, Jesus' brothers had not been supportive or ...

Multistreaming | Tuesday Evening Mass - Facebook

... Jesus didn't choose them because of their leadership ability or theological expertise. He called regular people with regular jobs, homes and and their lives ...

A Biblical Guide to the 12 Disciples of Jesus -

Peter and Andrew were early followers of John the Baptist. It was Andrew who first introduced his older brother Peter to Jesus when they were in ...

Did God Choose Israel and Not the Other Nations? - BSF Blog

What purpose the God that all Christians believe in has for Israel? God will reveal in HIS own time. Perhaps this October 2023 war is an early sign of God's ...

Did Jesus Exist? - American Atheists

They give no indication of the time or place of his earthly existence. They do not refer to his trial before a Roman official, nor to Jerusalem as the place of ...

A Personal Relationship With Jesus AND The Catholic Church

In other words nobody else's faith can get you to heaven or make you holy. It has to be your own. Faith must be freely chosen by each disciple of Jesus - thus ...