
Why you should nest modules in Ruby

modules_and_classes - Documentation for Ruby 2.0.0

Nesting¶ ↑ ... Many packages create a single outermost module (or class) to provide a namespace for their functionality. ... Note that this will raise a NameError ...

Using CSS nesting - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - MDN Web Docs

The CSS nesting module allows you to write your ... When using compound selectors in nested CSS you have to use the & nesting selector.

Chapter 4. Modules and program organization - The Well-Grounded ...

If you want to understand the common behavior and functionality of all Ruby objects, you have to descend from the clouds and look at Object rather than Basic- ...

Modules - Ruby for Beginners

This is useful if we have methods that we want to reuse in certain classes, but also want to keep them in a central place, so we do not have to repeat them ...

Configurable Ruby Modules: The Module Builder Pattern

In this post, we'll explore how to create Ruby modules that are configurable by users of our code — a pattern that allows gem authors to add ...

ruby - Nesting class in module vs using module as part of class name

@JörgWMittag answered my question in the comments (if you want to throw this into an answer I'll accept it): module User end.

Ruby Style Guide

Define (and reopen) namespaced classes and modules using explicit nesting. ... Ruby, you'll get an interpreter warning if you do so. # bad STDOUT.puts ...

The Definition Of Nested Module - Josh Software

When we define nested modules like this: and when we do like this: Even though both method calls to print_const looks same, and should ...

Namespaces too looooooong - Ruby-Forum

module would be expected to reach deeply into the nesting structure a ... from Haskell then I think Ruby will be approaching terse perfection!

Modules | IntelliJ IDEA Documentation - JetBrains

By doing so, you are attaching another module to the project without physically moving any files. If you don't need the modules to be located in ...

The Ruby Module Builder Pattern - dejimata

Modules are powerful because (when used effectively) they encapsulate certain shared patterns of functionality. In the example above, this ...

Ruby constant resolution - Cultivate

Module and class nesting is how Ruby does namespacing, but it's not always that well known how constants are resolved when we're not using the fully qualified ...

Rails Routing from the Outside In - Ruby on Rails Guides

If you need to create routes for more than one resource, you ... 2.7.1 Limits to Nesting. You can nest resources within other nested resources if you like.

Resolvers - GraphQL Ruby

If the module approach looks good to you, also consider Interfaces. They also share behavior between objects (since they're just modules that get included, ...

Intro to Nest.js - DEV Community

What's awesome about Nest.js is that you can use the cli to automatically generate more controllers to keep your code organized as it grows in ...

A Nest crash course for Rails people | by Zoe Friedman - Medium

Typically this is called the “Application Module.” Within your module you will specify imports to other modules you'll want access to, define ...

Operation - Trailblazer

It's a convenient way for you to define what happens. The operation takes care of the when - which reduces your application code while providing a great amount ...

Calling Ruby module methods from a nested class within

But you can make expire_cache a module class method and then call it. ... 18 May 2008. Calling instance method when module included · ruby ...

concept module in category ruby - liveBook · Manning

This look at classes gives you a firm foundation for understanding how objects come into being and relate to each other in Ruby. Next, we'll build on that ...

Ruby Development | Compass by Nimble

Classes · Code in Ruby classes must follow the following structure: · Avoid nesting multiple classes within classes. · Classes should be used only when it makes ...