
You Can't Blame Technology Alone For Young People Lacking ...

Stop blaming teens' mental health issues on “screen time” - Vox

“Important nuance is missing if we just talk about digital technologies in general,” Amy Orben, a psychologist also with the Oxford Internet ...

The truth about teens, social media and the mental health crisis - NPR

For nearly a century, psychologists have repeatedly blamed new technologies ... Without these cookies, the services that you have asked for cannot ...

Teens, Tension, and Technology: The Loneliness Epidemic - Erie ...

They can make a mess without damaging public property. ... If we can agree that these trends are alarming, to what degree should we blame them on ...

Don't Blame Phones for Teens' Mental Health Issues | Fortune

Each day we hear that smartphones and social media are making our children—particularly teenagers—lazy, addicted, lonely, uninterested in having ...

We Should Probably Stop Blaming Technology For The Failings Of ...

I've been thinking a lot lately about how so many of the "problems" that people bring up with regards to the internet these days -- much of ...

Are Parents to Blame for #GenerationLonely? - Psychology Today

... lonely in two particular instances. First, if you are surrounded by a crowd of people you don't know and you're not a fan of mingling and small ...

The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood - The Atlantic

Nobody wanted their child to be isolated and alone, so parents rarely forced their children to shut down their accounts. We had no idea what we ...

Technology Matters: Using apps to address loneliness in ...

A pilot-mixed methods study assessed the feasibility, acceptability, and safety of +Connect among lonely young people, with and without social ...

Isolation Among Generation Z in the United States - Ballard Brief

One study found that lonely people report being less happy ... Empowering young people when they hit adolescence by connecting them ...

Untangling Teens & Tech - Better Screen Time

I don't blame you—nearly every parent has the same question. Can you take a slow-tech approach to screens and still teach your teens to use devices wisely ...

How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers - Child Mind Institute

She warns that a lack of solid self-esteem is often to blame. “We forget that relational aggression comes from insecurity and feeling awful about yourself, and ...

The Tech CEO Who Won't Let His Kids on Social Media -

For children, who lack the self-control that adults (should) have, hard limits are absolutely necessary. Have you ever tried talking to a child ...

Parents of the social media generation are not OK | CNN Business

... alone because their parents can't guide them. “I'm saddest when I look on Twitter and people blame the parents for these problems with Facebook.

Teens Are Lonelier Than Ever. What Do Smartphones Have to Do ...

... one? It seems like you can't win either way —teens who use these technologies are lonely, and teens who don't use them are also lonely.

KOSA isn't designed to help kids. | by danah boyd - Medium

Bills like KOSA will not help young people. They are rooted in a political agenda to look like they're holding big tech accountable.

Does Social Media Use Cause Depression? - Child Mind Institute

... they've continued to rise since the pandemic. Social media and depression. One of the biggest differences in the lives of current teenagers and young adults ...

Main findings: Teens, technology, and human potential in 2020

With or without devices on them, they will communicate with ease, waxing philosophic and joking in the same sentence. I have already seen youths ...

Tell Me about Loneliness: Interviews with Young People about What ...

“when they feel lonely, they feel sad so, they try even more to be alone to avoid being even sadder. They isolate themselves” (Italian, male, 12 ...

Who's to Blame for Bad Things on the Internet? - Stanford Law School

We can't blame tech companies alone for fake news. People have been sharing fake news as long as there has been language. Were there Russian ...

Why do so many aging parents expect their children to do ALL the ...

i think this question resonates because we all start with good will and a little help for our parents but gradually "scope creep" happens ...