
but they're not like the fictional ones you grew up with

Using fictional characters versus real people in historical fiction writing

reason not to be written in chronicles and did not change the history as we know it (or maybe one of these things which might have happened, ...

L.L. McKinney didn't see herself in science fiction books ... - YouTube

Author L.L. McKinney has long been an advocate for equality and inclusion within the publishing industry, often using Twitter to start ...

They May Be Fictional, but My Love Is Real - The Heritage Herald

We were all stuck at home seeing absolutely no one, so I began watching movies. My love list grew at normal speed with normal people… Anakin ...

Blending Fact and Fiction: A Q&A with Shelley Pearsall - Read Brightly

For a lot of kids, the first time they are expected to take on grown-up responsibilities can be scary and difficult — as it was for Arthur. What advice do you ...

Fictosexuality, Fictoromance, and Fictophilia: A Qualitative Study of ...

Since fictional characters are not capable of responding to human emotions akin to organic beings, people who desire or love them engage in ...

Why do we fall for fictional characters? - The Daily Evergreen

... as we do with people who are? For starters, we do not differentiate between fictional characters and real people. Though we are aware that ...

When Writing Fiction Hurts the People You Love - Literary Hub

Or, if they're aware, they're hoping no one else is. Those are ... When my sisters and I were growing up, she told us thrilling stories ...

You Are Not What We Expected: Meet Sidura Ludwig | Elisa Zied

... but explored their journeys through short fiction. I then expanded as I wondered about their neighbours and the other people interacting with ...

Against YA: Adults should be embarrassed to read children's books.

I have no urge to go back and re-read them, but those books ... But how can a grown-up, even one happy to be reminded of the shivers ...

Growing up with your favourite fictional characters - The Guardian

... and I liked to imagine we'd have a lot to talk about. ... One not made any easier by The Great Gatsby's Nick Carraway cheerfully describing it as ...

Opinion | Modern non-fiction for people who like to cry - The Pitt News

Given that we can no longer sit in the sun on a park bench reading, but instead are cuddled up in the privacy of our homes, why not read a ...

All The Actually Decent Men in Fiction We Could Think Of

Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson, the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett: A human raised by dwarves, Carrot is one of the only literary law ...

Why do people still disdain science fiction and fantasy?

We could reach back to Plato's dislike of poets for encouraging us to see things that aren't real. Does the current disdain for sf really have ...

When Is It Wrong to Use Real Place Names in Fiction?

People who grew up in that area love seeing these place (large and small) mentioned. The thing is, if you use a place (city) you have to be ...

I'm asexual, but 2D characters are the exception - The Strand

thank you for being one of the very few article writers that isn't just “oOo haha there's no such thing as asexuality you must be male!!

What You Can and Can't Legally Use In Your Fiction Book

As authors, we write what we know. As long as the names are changed, and there's nothing to link the fictional account to the real people, there ...

Question of the Week: If you could meet any fictional character, who ...

I feel that if Alaska Young were a nonfictional being, she would be one of the most interesting people to have ever lived and I would be honored ...

Useless Chaos is What Fiction is About | Jhumpa Lahiri and Mavis ...

... there are these other characters, but it's not where you lived at all. It ... ' And he said, 'You're not as nice as you think you are.' Remarkable. And ...

Jacquie Pham On Historical Fiction, Colonialism, and “the Many ...

And it's up to younger generations to keep telling those stories, not ... JB: I'm glad that you brought up Palestine, because I noticed ...

The perils of loving fiction more than reality - The Michigan Daily

... you that you have never even noticed but is undeniably true. Growing up, I'd spend every break and recess with my eyes glued to a book. I ...