
'Which' Versus 'That'

Which vs. That -

Use 'That' for a Defining Clause. A defining clause provides information that is essential to understanding a sentence. In these cases, use 'that.'

When to use WHICH versus THAT in scientific writing - ButlerSciComm

Here's is everything you need to know for when when to use which versus that in a sentence, complete with a short grammar video!

Which/That - Academic Writing - Education & CCSC students

Be careful not to substitute which for that. The easiest way to distinguish between the usages is that, most times, which will have a comma ...

Which vs That - EnglishClass101

First, a quick overview. Which. First, we use "which" in what are called non-restrictive relative clauses. We use "that," on the other hand, in restrictive ...

Which vs. That - Topic Q&A List

“Which” should be replaced with “that,” or that the phrase “which became law on June 7, 2001” should be set off in commas.

Is It “Which” or “That”? | Write for Business

That which does not kill us makes us stronger ... Friedrich Nietzsche ... Nietzche was, of course, wrong. Plenty of things that do not kill us make us weaker ...

How to determine when to use 'that' or 'which' - Quora

We use “which" in non -defining clause and “that" in defining clause . · Which "gives non -essential additional information whereas “that “gives ...

Who vs. That vs. Which—Grammar Rules - LanguageTool

“Who,” whom, whose, which, and that are all relative pronouns. The type of relative pronoun used depends on the noun phrase (antecedent) and the relative ...

Writing Tip: When to Use “That” vs. “Which”

“That” is usually used with a restrictive clause, and “which” is usually used with a non-restrictive clause.

When to Use Who vs. That - Grammarly

“Who” is used to refer to people, while “that” is used for inanimate objects, organizations, and types of people.

“Which” or “That” ? - Summit School

In order to understand the difference between “which” and “that,” first you need to understand the difference between a RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE and a ...

Which vs That - Radius English

You can use either which or that in a defining relative clause to refer to things. However, note that some academic style guides recommend the use of that with ...

Which vs. That: When to Use Each (Grammar Rules)

If the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, use that. If the clause is not essential to the meaning of the sentence, use which.

Which Vs. That

Restrictive Clauses: Any phrase beginning with “that” and following a noun is a restrictive clause because this phrase “restricts” the meaning or specificity of ...

Which vs. That - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

The which vs. that usage dilemma pops up when working with dependent clauses—also known as subordinate clauses—that require one of these two relative ...

“Which” vs. “That”: How to Use Both Correctly as a Writer

Accordingly, a sentence employing “that” will contain all the information required to understand it, whereas a sentence utilizing “which” will ...

When to Use Which or That - eContent Pro

If your sentence will still make sense and have the same meaning if you remove the clause that begins with which, you have used the correct word ...

Word Choice: That vs. Which - Proofread My Paper's Academic Blog

“That” and “which” are both pronouns used when introducing a relative clause (ie, additional detail about the thing being described).

That vs. Which: What's the Difference? - YouTube

In this video, Gabriel discusses the difference between that and which. -- Starring: Gabriel Lonsberry Written by: Katie McMorris Edited by: ...

That vs Which? [Difference explained] - Instructional Solutions

The difference between which and that. Their difference is that one is used to present essential information in the sentence and the other is used to present ...