
A Social Identity Approach to Neighborhood Mental Health

The influence of social identity on depression and its theoretical ...

First, the Social Cure proposes that the psychological resources associated with group identity have a protective effect on individual mental health. Second, ...

Social Identity and Psychosis: Associations and Psychological ...

There was no consistent effect of social identification on AVHs. People developing mental health assessments, treatments, and policies are ...

Community arts, identity and recovery: A realist review of how ...

Identity has been empirically established as a recovery process from serious mental illness (SMI) yet is often overlooked within ...

Social Identity, Health and Well-Being - The BBC Prison Study

Self-categorisation theory extends these insights by probing much more forensically into the social psychological dynamics of the self. When do we define ...

Homelessness and strategies of identity maintenance -

Social Identity Theory was proposed by Tajfel and Turner (1979; Tajfel 1978,. 1981, 1982) to contribute a social psychological explanation of social conflicts.

AP Psychology Study Resource: Social Identity Theory

Social identity theory proposes that the social groups an individual belongs and subscribes to are an important source of their pride and self- ...

Understand Social Identity to Lead in a Changing World

List as many of your own social identities as you can. ... Consider categories such as race, sex, gender expression, ethnicity, religion, ...

Publications | NTU Social Identity Research Group

Taking a social identity approach, the present study sought to identify what social psychological processes predict this continued engagement by exploring ...

Social identity and social integration: a meta-analysis exploring the ...

Social identity theory was proposed by Tajfel and Turner (1979) making a new interpretation of group behavior. An individual's choice of behavior is largely ...

Social Identity Theory—Are We the Company We Keep?

Social identity theory describes the circumstances under which social identity is more important than personal identity and the ways social identity can ...

Paranoia in the Community: A Social Identity Approach

It suggests that the elevated rates of mental illnesses in these groups are a result of social identity processes. As detailed in Chapter 1 ...

How Social Identity Influences Social and Emotional Loneliness

... social identity, to improve an individual's mental health. More ... identity approach to challenges of organizational, health, and clinical psychology.

Social Identity Theory In Psychology (Tajfel & Turner, 1979)

Social Identity Theory, proposed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner in the 1970s, posits that individuals derive a portion of their ...

Changing Behavior Using Social Identity Processes (Chapter 16)

Taken together, research and practice applying the social identity approach to behavior change demonstrate considerable promise in promoting change in group ...

Social Identity Theory | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology

First, social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) assumes that people strive to hold a favorable view of self. Second, the social groups to ...

An exploration of the social identity of mental health inpatient service ...

Social identity theory proposes that a threatened social identity can impact on self-concept and well-being. As a low-status minority group, ...

Social Identity Theory (Tajfel and Turner) - Toolshero

Social identity can be defined as the part of an individual's self-image that is determined by the groups to which an individual belongs. Social ...

The recovery model in chronic mental health: A community-based ...

Consistent with a social identity approach and the recovery model, to the extent that people identified as “in recovery”, they reported better recovery outcomes ...

Group Identity and Ingroup Bias: The Social Identity Approach

The social identity approach focuses on explaining attitudes and behavior as the outcome of the interaction between psychological processes with ...

Social identity makes group-based social connection possible

Steffens NK: Advancing the social identity approach to health ... mental health by helping to build and embed community-based social identities.