
Academic Journal Quartile Value and Impact Factor Inquiry Tool

Impact Factor (IF), Overall Ranking, Rating, h-index, Call For Paper ...

According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.769. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific ...

Journal impact | University of Arizona Libraries

Journal Citation Reports (JCR). JCR uses the Journal Impact Factor to rank the importance of a journal by calculating the times its articles are cited. · SCImago ...


But in the case of the average Impact factor, Western European LIS journals have the highest average IF value of 2.74, followed by Eastern European journal ( ...

Journal Impact Factors: Home - University of Exeter LibGuide

For example, the 2016 impact factor of a journal would be calculated as A/B, where: A = the number of times that all items published in that ...

Measuring Impact: Journal Level - Research Guides

The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators. These indicators ...

Library | AIRS | 11.2 Main metrics - QUT AIRS

Journal ranking and tools ... Journal ranking and journal impact factors are quantitative measures which attempt to rank and estimate the importance and ...

LibGuides: Evaluating Journal Quality: Metrics - Research Guides

Scimago Journal & Country Rank · The Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR) measure the influence of a journal and is analogous to a journal impact factor ...

Quartiles in Scopus and Web of Science: features of the metric

Web of Science - another well-known international database indexing scientific journals. Instead of CiteScore, Web of Science uses the Journal Impact Factor ( ...

Research Impact & Researcher Identity: Journal Impact

They can help track citation patterns within journals and determine which journals are highly cited. There are many factors that influence the impact of a ...

Bibliometrics and Altmetrics: Journal Impact Factor - LibGuides at

Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The JCR provides quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals based on ...

Scientific Reports - Nature

Publish in Scientific Reports: multidisciplinary, open access journal, with 3.8 Impact Factor, 20 days to first decision and 135M annual downloads.

Journal Metrics & Ranking - Journal Publication Outlets

Journal Impact Factor can be found through the University Libraries access to Journal Citation Reports at ...

Journal metrics to help you decide where to publish

Best Impact Factor Category Quartile. Clarivate Journal Citation Reports categorise journals into scientific categories, once ranked by 2-year Impact Factor ...

Understanding Journal Evaluation and Strategies to Increase Impact

As a conclusion I can say that journal IF is usually recognized as a symbol of scientific prestige and relevance, but its true value is to evaluate journals and ...

Abstracting & Indexing for Journal Authors - De Gruyter

The CiteScore is updated around the middle of the year following the four-year period under consideration. As with the Journal Impact Factor, the values for ...

Journal Level Metrics / Rankings / Impact Factor - Measuring Your ...

This "is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database ...

Journal Rankings & Evaluation - Measuring Your Scholarly Impact

Impact Factor calculations are now available through Thomson's Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and the Elsevier product, Scopus. Despite their ...

Journal evaluation - Citations, Altmetrics and Researcher Profiles

Check how a journal ranks against all of the other journals in its subject category(s) based on Journal Impact Factor. Journals that rank in the top one (Q1) or ...

Citation Analysis & Journal Rankings: Journal Impact - FIU Libraries

Measures the journal impact factor by measuring the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times its articles are cited. The ...

Scopus metrics - Elsevier

Scopus metrics help measure the impact of scholarly research, including the h-index ... SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): A prestige metric for journals, book ...