
Can't delete Recurring Event

How to Delete a Recurring/Repeating Calendar Event | iOS 16

Learn how you can delete a recurring / repeating calendar event on the iPhone 14/14 Pro/14 Pro Max/Plus operating iOS 16.

How to complete/delete recurring tasks? #931 - GitHub

You can delete (or rather unschedule) reoccurring tasks by going to the repeat settings again in the task side panel.

How to Fix Hacked iPhone Calendar and Remove Unwanted Events

I decline it because it's a nasty event but somehow someone hacked my phone and I can't delete it. ... remove recurring events? Customer: I ...

How do I permanently delete a guest from a recurring Google ...

A way around this is to change the event to non-recurring, apply the changes (i.e., remove the guest and save), and change it back to recurring.

Delete an event from a list of recurring events -

Is it possible to create recurring events and then delete an event from a list of this recurring events, when for example 1 or 2 dates have to be postponed.

Recurring events in My Week - Karbon Community

If I edit a recurring event in Google Calendar, My Weeks creates a duplicate: the original and the edited version. · If I delete an instance of a ...

Unable to delete recurring meeting - Google Groups

... recurring appointments view) you get the "can't open this item" error. I've tried: Highlighting the item in the recurring appointments view and hitting delete.

Delete series of recurring events on Outlook Calendar API

I can create recurring events through Outlook Calendar's API, but I haven't yet found how to delete such events all at once.

Unable to Edit Recurring Events in Scoutbook (Part III)

The recurrence code was amended at the bottom of that text block. As I mentioned previously, deleting the text block (thus placing the ...

How to delete recurring events on Alexa Calendar

Now, I couldn't delete those events whether using the Alexa app or using the Echo Studio. I talked to the customer service for over an hour and ...

How Do I Delete a Recurring Event From My iPhone Calendar?

If this is a repeating event, you'll get the option to delete just that one, or "Delete All Future Events." You can create new calendars as you ...

Cannot delete a set of recurring meetings - Cisco Community

I encountered the same issue but was able to resolve it by deleting/cancelling the meeting series using Outlook Webmail (OWA) rather than through the Outlook ...

[SOLVED] Delete all Calendar events for today

But, generally, recurring events are single events that are evaluated in context rather than a series of individual events -- you don't delete ...

[Calendar] Edit or Delete Series of Events - Canvas Community

We've had several faculty ask how they can update their recurring meetings in the Canvas Calendar - and be very frustrated when they can't, and ...

If you make any changes in a recurring event, all past modifications ...

This unfortunately due to the two options you have available after creating a recurring events, edit occurrence and edit series. If you edit the ...

How to delete recurring events on Alexa Calendar

Finally said to the Echo "Show me Master Fan on the Calendar" and then clicked on one of them, clicked 'delete' and it gave her the option to delete all! We've ...

Excluded recurring event can't be deleted · Issue #801 - GitHub

Steps to reproduce Create a daily recurring event in the Nextcloud calendar Synchronise to Android with DAVDroid Delete one of the middle ...

Delete Specific Dates in Recurring Event in Google Calendar

I was able to get it to delete specific dates. I guess each specific date has an event ID, and the whole recurring event has an event ID.

How to delete a series of events in Outlook when the organizer's acc ...

Hi, I am running Exchange 2010 and I was wondering if there is a way of deleting a recurring meeting from all users mailboxes using powershell?

Google Calendar: deleting alert from recurring event invite doesn't ...

When I edit the event, remove the alert, save, and select to apply the change to this and future events, it seems to work fine. However if I ...