
Causal Analysis in Theory and Practice » Causal Effect

Causal inference in practice - Patterns, Predictions, and Actions

Design can only be successful if the assumptions we are able to make permit the estimation of the causal effect we're interested in. In ...

Causality and Machine Learning - Microsoft Research

Learning causal effects from data: Identifying causal effects is an integral part of scientific inquiry, spanning a wide range of questions such as ...

Causal inference: An introduction on how to separate causal effects ...

What is causal inference in statistics data science? While „correlation does not imply causation“, it is possible to identify causal effects ...

Approaches and terminology for causal analysis in land systems ...

In principle, the RCM is largely compatible with the INUS view of causality, but in practice the RCM focuses on the effect of a given cause ...

Causal analysis for practice-based research using observational data |

The importance of contextualization of treatment and causal effects points to the benefits of theory-based causal models that unify the focus on effectiveness ...

Week 3: Causal Inference

Many of the statistical techniques to find causal effects are LATE: instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, propensity scores... An important ...

Statistics and Causal Inference - jstor

of his theory. It is clear that Suppes's analysis is quite different from that given in Section 3. He defined the cause of an effect.

Any books you would recommend for causal inference? - Reddit

In those fields, you'll have many particular approaches to identifying causal effects, say instrumental variable methods, regression ...

The Rigor of Case-Based Causal Analysis

and theory-based methods can lead to robust causal inferences and explanations and hence fill important knowledge gaps on the impact of development interven-.

Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research

nature and practice of causal analysis has been a topic of ... based approaches to data analysis that may aid in the analysis of causal effects.

Causal Inference in Natural Language Processing: Estimation ...

We introduce the statistical challenge of estimating causal effects with text, encompassing settings where text is used as an outcome, treatment, or to address ...

Causality in science studies

Uncovering causal effects is a challenge shared by many scientific fields. There are large methodological differences between fields, also with regards to ...

BIOSTAT 258 - Causal Inference: Theory and Practice - Coursicle

BIOSTAT 258 at Harvard University (Harvard) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Randomized experimentation is the standard for quantifying the causal effect of an ...

Causal analysis in control–impact ecological studies with ...

Ecologists can establish causal inference with observational data in a control–impact framework if we incorporate careful research design and ...

ML beyond Curve Fitting: An Intro to Causal Inference and do-Calculus

Causal analysis implies counterfactual analysis. This is known since XVI century, thanks to David Hume. In fact, counterfactual is crutial to ...

1 Introduction - Causal Inference The Mixtape

Causal inference is the leveraging of theory and deep knowledge of institutional details to estimate the impact of events and choices on a given outcome of ...

12 Real causes and ideal manipulations: Pearl's theory of causal ...

Pearl's work on causation has helped focus new attention on the nature of causal reasoning and causal inference in behavioural science.

These Are Not the Effects You Are Looking for: Causality and the ...

Here, we aim to clarify the relationship between the within- and between-persons distinction and causal inference and show that the distinction ...

I-d: Theory-based Causal Analysis: the Basics of Process Tracing ...

Most notably, new methodological developments in theory-based causal analysis have surfaced and are increasingly exploited to answer key causal ...

Book review of Cunningham's Causal Inference: The Mixtape

The book is strongly focused on causal analysis, with very little to say about the design and implementation of causal studies.