
Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology

Climate change is destabilizing the Colorado River Basin. Where do ...

Water use across the Colorado River Basin has been unsustainable for years, and it was set up to be that way, going back to the 1922 Colorado ...

Colorado River Basin Hydrology Under Future Climate and Land ...

Climate change will also intensify forest disturbances (wildfire, mortality, thinning), which can significantly impact water resources. These impacts are not ...

Colorado River Basin drought and the 2023 water year

When snow and rain run off the land surface throughout the Colorado River Basin, it becomes streamflow, and much of it is eventually stored in ...

Colorado River Basin and Climatic Change - epa nepis

In summary, the hydrologic modeling results suggest that large changes in streamflow may occur in the Colorado River basin as a result of plausible climatic ...

The Colorado River Is in Crisis | Action for Drought and Heat

It's an unprecedented challenge for the Colorado River Basin. Drought and rising temperatures due to climate change have accelerated evaporation ...

[PDF] The Effects of Climate Change on the Hydrology and Water ...

The potential effects of climate change on the hydrology and water resources of the Colorado River basin are assessed by comparing simulated hydrologic and ...

Colorado River Basin ASIST

Over the last two decades, the Colorado River Basin has been in an extended drought. This has resulted in substantial changes to the basin, including increased ...

Colorado River Basin Hydrology and Operations Overview - YouTube

Jim Prairie, Bureau of Reclamation, presented an overview of Colorado River Basin hydrology and operations as part of the Drought Assessment ...

Colorado River basin has lost water equal to lake mead due to ...

From 2000 to 2021, climate change caused the loss of more than 40 trillion liters (10 trillion gallons) of water in the Colorado River Basin ...

Colorado River Basin water loss attributed to reduced snowpack ...

The model analyses showed that from 1880 to 2021, the temperature in the Colorado River Basin warmed about 1.5°C (2.7°F) as a result of ...

Did You Know? | Drought in the Colorado River Basin

The early 2000s were very dry, with the Upper Colorado's Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (PHDI) reaching record low levels during the summer of 2002. Upper ...

Study: The Colorado River Basin has lost water equal to Lake Mead ...

From 2000 to 2021, climate change caused the loss of more than 40 trillion liters (10 trillion gallons) of water in the Colorado River Basin— ...

The Future Hydrology of the Colorado River Basin

Thus, future warming of Earth's climate might make matters even worse than we estimate here. The work in this white paper is novel, because we ...

3 Climate and Hydrology of the Colorado River Basin Region

The Colorado River basin contains climate zones ranging from alpine to desert and exhibits significant climate variability on a variety of ...

Modeling the Future of the Colorado River in a Changing Climate

The Colorado River Basin is one of the most highly regulated and over-allocated river systems in the world. As a result, basing studies on pre- ...

Colorado River Basin | DNR CWCB

The Colorado River flows for approximately 1,450 miles and provides water to seven states in the Western U.S. that are part of the Colorado River Basin.

Growing Impact: Climate, crops, and the Colorado River

The Colorado River supports more than a trillion dollars in economic activity and supplies water to an estimated 40 million people.

Rising temperatures will reduce streamflow in the Colorado River

Climate change will dramatically impact streamflow and its contributions to the Colorado River by increasing forest water use and reducing ...

The Future Hydrology of the Colorado River Basin - David Tarboton

Separate sidebar analyses on historical flow in the Colorado River, natural flow losses below Hoover Dam, the estimation of streamflow in the ...

Colorado River | Feeding Ourselves Thirsty

For the last 20 years, the Colorado River Basin has been in a severe drought, with the period between May and April 2021 the driest on record. Due to persistent ...