
Consequences of transitioning to a climate|neutral economy

How does the climate transition affect inflation?

During the tran- sition we can expect that energy prices will increase and that there will be negative effects on the aggregate supply in the economy when CO2- ...

The global power sector's low-carbon transition may enhance ...

Our results demonstrate that whether global SDG performance can be improved will be determined by developing economies' power transition. The ...

What is the EBRD's Green Economy Transition approach?

scaling investments across a set of priority environmental, climate mitigation and resilience theme, including: greening the financial sector, energy systems, ...

Just transition | Climate Investment Funds

Some of these changes will have profound consequences for communities and local economies, especially in places where people are reliant on unsustainable ...

Global Warming of 1.5 ºC — - IPCC

Climate adaptation refers to the actions taken to manage impacts of climate change ... economy. The assessment is contingent upon available integrated ...

Climate mitigation and net-zero transition - OECD

Supporting country progress towards net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and a more resilient economy by 2050. ... Leveraging the OECD's multidisciplinary ...

NGFS Scenarios Portal

Such a transition can pose significant risk and would require substantial investment in every sector of the economy. New technologies and jobs would be needed ...

Sustainable Finance - Investing in Low-Carbon Transition

Learn about Bank of America's sustainable finance initiatives including helping companies and families transition to a low-carbon economy ... Making an impact.

Don't overestimate the negative financial consequences of the green ...

The study investigates the socio-economic effects of some common transition measures up to the year 2030 and shows that those who see an inherent conflict ...

Climate Change and the U.S. Economic Future | EPIC

The U.S. economy would stand to lose between about 1 percent to 4 percent of GDP annually by the end of the century through effects to mortality, labor and the ...

Climate Change & Just Energy Transition: What the North Can ...

Proálcool, Brazil's ethanol initiative, is a prime example. It greatly decreased greenhouse gas emissions, brought about economies of scale, and ...

Investing in the transition to a low-carbon economy | BlackRock

The low-carbon transition is reshaping production and consumption across regions and sectors. It's affecting how people buy, sell, make, and move things.

New Climate Economy | Commission on the Economy and Climate

The New Climate Economy accelerates ambitious climate action in developing countries and emerging economies in a way that delivers economic growth.

Climate change impacts on our economy - AdaptNSW

Climate will continue to have a huge effect on our economy through potential reductions in our productivity and increases to infrastructure and service costs.

Just Transition | BMZ

In order to keep the impacts of climate change within manageable limits, we need to ensure that lifestyles and economies worldwide become climate neutral by ...

How will acting on climate change affect the economy?

The economic impacts of climate change will be felt differently in different parts of the world, and not halting climate change represents huge social and ...

California Releases World's First Plan to Achieve Net Zero Carbon ...

“It's the most ambitious set of climate goals of any jurisdiction in the world, and if adopted, it'll spur an economic transformation akin to ...

A Vision for the EU Net-Zero Transition - Clean Air Task Force

This commitment starts with reducing emissions by at least 55% before 2030, and by adopting legally binding climate targets covering key sectors of the economy.

European transition: The economic impact of net zero - Moody's

When a tax on carbon is set, this first increases the costs of production. This passes to higher consumer prices and squeezes firm profits. A ...

Energy transition outlook - IRENA

The success of the energy transition depends on a transformation of the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon sources by the second half of ...