
Does SAC perform better than PPO in sample|expensive tasks with ...

Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning: A Survey | Intelligent Computing

... does not perform better than fitness-based methods [165]. Thus, in ... better performance and robustness than PPO for simulated hexapod robot tasks [181].

PEBBLE: Feedback-Efficient Interactive Reinforcement Learning via ...

We find that given a budget of 1400 queries, PEBBLE (green) reaches the same performance as SAC (pink) while Preference PPO (purple) is unable to match PPO ( ...

DQN, SoftQ , DDPG, SAC - People @EECS

TRPO, PPO: Importance sampling surrogate loss allows to do more than a gradient ... more sample re-use → more data- efficient learning directly about the ...

Continuous Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning -

Being off-policy makes it more sample-efficient than the on-policy methods like PPO because we can construct the experience replay buffer ...

a comparative analysis of reinforcement learning algorithms in a ...

Results show that PPO struggles again in the single instance setting, with respect to SAC and TD3 which perform well even when with limited data. exhibits ...

Discretizing Continuous Action Space for On-Policy Optimization

This approximation is more stable than CG descent and yields performance gain over conventional TRPO. Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) For a practical al-.

Soft Actor-Critic Algorithms and Applications - UT Computer Science

○ Normal tasks (half cheetah, ant). ○ SAC > TD3 > DDPG & PPO in both learning speed and final performance. Experiment. SAC (learned temperature).

An Overview of the Action Space for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Without exception, all tasks hope that the algorithms adopted are better and more stable. ... Compared with PPO and TRPO, MPO is more novel and performs better.

Accelerating actor-critic-based algorithms via pseudo ... - DiVA portal

As a result, our method facilitates more intelligent exploration, leading to greater sample efficiency. 2.2. Incremental task learning. Some ...

Some effective tricks are used to improve Soft Actor Critic - IOPscience

Entropy regularization is added to SAC, so action distribution will be more even that adds more exploration. In complex tasks, better policy can be learned ...

Revisiting On-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning - OpenReview

It is well known that when TD is applied to a tabular value function representation, ... outperform PPO by a large margin on all tasks. This is in contrast to our ...

Sample-efficient deep reinforcement learning for control, exploration ...

For this study, we choose difficult tasks of PyBullet and use PPO because it is more efficient than TRPO and requires less computations than SAC ...


Despite deep RL's successes, there are still challenges that plague its use today. Challenge 1: Deep Reinforcement learning can be quite sample inefficient. The.

An Empirical Study of DDPG and PPO-Based Reinforcement ...

PPO showed better performance and obtained greater rewards than SAC. ... Here it is observed that DDPG's maximum reward is 64.2% more than that of ...

Policy Networks — Stable Baselines3 2.4.0a11 documentation

Default Network Architecture · 64 units (per layer) for PPO/A2C/DQN · 256 units for SAC · [400, 300] units for TD3/DDPG (values are taken from the original TD3 ...

Comparative Analysis of DQN and PPO Algorithms in UAV Obstacle ...

complex methods to make these models work better in industrial settings. ... If the calculated angle is less than or equal to 5, the drone rotates left ...

Simulated and Real Robotic Reach, Grasp, and Pick-and-Place ...

PPO is a policy gradient technique which was designed to provide faster policy updates then previously developed RL algorithms such as the ...

Benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

are particularly tuned for one specific task, which makes the performance look better than ... The task is more difficult than Hopper as it has ...

The proposed learning schema exploiting PPO/SAC algorithm

The results show that our method outperforms PPO and achieves 50% of the WO performance in less than 5% of the time, which corresponds to our findings in ...

Soft Actor-Critic - PAIR Lab

○ becomes extremely expensive when the task is complex. ○ Off ... Why are off-policy methods more sample-efficient compared to on-policy.