
Eliciting willingness to pay for fairtrade products with information

Willingness to pay for consumer food products in scientific research

Main findings: Consumers will most likely accept a higher price if they perceive that the value of a particular characteristic of the product distinguishes it ...

Socially Responsible Products: What Motivates Consumers to Pay a ...

[Table 1 here]. The Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) auction was used to elicit subjects WTP for each product. ... Willingness to Pay for Fair-Trade Coffee.” Journal ...

Willingness to pay for organic and fairtrade certified yellow chili ...

production information in food”, Journal of Agricultural Policy Resources, Vol. ... (2010), “Eliciting consumers' willingness to pay for.

How do consumers in developed countries value the environment ...

consumer willingness to pay (WTP). Second, environmental and ... accumulation of information or not ready to pay an additional premium for each product.

The Role of the Beneficiary in Willingness to Pay for Socially ...

not provide enough information to ascertain which definition of WTP they believed they were eliciting. ... ness to Pay for Organic and Fair Trade Products,” ...

Consumers' willingness to pay for safe and quality milk: Evidence ...

... information increases the WTP for all products though not at the ... Eliciting willingness to pay for fairtrade products with information.

Eliciting consumer willingness to pay for food quality' attributes

Consumers were also willing to pay a premium for dried fruits with an organic and fair-trade label, but favored fair-trade the most. We ...

Social and self-Image concerns in fair-trade consumption - Hal Inrae

been used in previous empirical studies to elicit the consumer WTP for products with organic ... Willingness to pay for fair trade coffee.

and Self-Image Concerns in Fair-Trade Consumption - HAL-SHS

In each treatment, and for each product, consumer WTP is elicited in a first stage without information about others, and then in a second stage ...

Are Fair Trade products guaranteed to be 'fairer'?

A main objective of Fairtrade is to increase producer incomes. This is achieved by payment of a guaranteed, fair price and by reducing the number of ...

Fairtrade Minimum Price and Premium Information

When the market price is higher than the Fairtrade Minimum Price, producers should receive the current market price or the price negotiated at contract signing.

Recognition of Fairtrade more than doubles in four years, per 2023 ...

... pay more for a product to ensure producers are paid a fairer price. ... will pay up to 55% more for a Fairtrade certified bar of chocolate.

What's In A Name? - by Peter Venetoklis - The Roots of Liberty

Fair Trade. Every one of these words and phrases generates some sort of gut check. Some are positive reactions, others are negative. Some elicit ...

The Fair Trade Scandal - book review and summary — EA Forum

The author claims that on average farmers receive 10% of the sales price that you the consumer pay when buying the finished product (non Fair ...