
Evidence of intelligent design

Stephen C. Meyer: Intelligent Design & the PROOF of God

Kirk Cameron is joined by scientist, Stephen C. Meyer, to explain the "God Hypothesis" and how the intelligent design of the universe ...

AAAS Board Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory

The movement presents “intelligent design theory” to the public as a theoretical innovation, supported by scientific evidence, that offers a more adequate ...

Discovering Intelligent Design | A Journey into the Scientific Evidence

Discovering Intelligent Design is a comprehensive curriculum (textbook, workbook, and DVD) that presents the scientific evidence for intelligent design to ...

Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design

Stephen Meyer became embroiled in a vicious controversy when the Smithsonian Institution published his article about how information in the cell suggests ...

Change: Life's Grand Design - Evolution - PBS

The proponents of intelligent design assert that the combination of nerves, sensory cells, muscles, and lens tissue in the eye could only have been "designed" ...

Evidence for Evolution Versus Evidence for Intelligent Design

The real question is whether the existing evidence provides stronger arguments for evolutionary theory than for Creationism.

Why the Intelligent Design ``Theory'' is Bullshit - Duke Physics

They claim that there is empirical evidence for the existence of Go-, um, oops, they try not to use the ``God word'' because then ID would become a religion and ...

Yes! There Is Evidence For the Intelligent Design of the Brain

The brain, like all of biology, is obviously intelligently designed. From the elegant coordination of neural activity between neurons and brain regions.

Design, Yes. Intelligent, No. | Issue 32 - Philosophy Now

Among the chief exponents of Intelligent Design (ID) theory, as this new brand of creationism is called, is William Dembski, a mathematical philosopher and ...

The Paradigm Project: Intelligent Design - YouTube

Meet some of the world's most dangerous minds—scientists who are daring to claim that nature provides compelling evidence of intelligent ...

Intelligent Design Theory |

2I need hardly say that for regular scientists, Intelligent Design Theory is anathema. They argue that it simply cannot be supported by the evidence. A ...

The Cosmological Case for Intelligent Design - Oxford Academic

There are no secret signatures of the designer in our molecules or the biochemical pathways in which they function. But perhaps we have looked for the evidence ...

What is Intelligent Design? - PBS Evolution

“Intelligent design” refers to a scientific research program as well as a community of scientists, philosophers and other scholars who seek evidence of design ...

Fine Tuning of the Universe: Evidence of Intelligent Design

It appears that the universe has been incredibly fine-tuned for the existence of intelligent life from the very moment of its inception.

The evolution of intelligent design: between religion and science

In this sense, ID is pseudoscientific in that it fails to remain open-minded despite its lack of evidence and logical coherence. Behe and Dembski would have you ...

Intelligent Design - Bill Dembski

As a theory of biological origins and development, intelligent design's central claim is that only intelligent causes adequately explain the ...

Microbiology: Hard Evidence for Intelligent Design

The modern study of genomes, and microbiology in general, led us to the necessary evidence to reconstruct a viable evolutionary explanation for the origins of ...

Intelligent Design, Is There Evidence? -

Intelligent Design, Is There Evidence? ... Actually there is enough evidence to choke a horse. Here is one line of that evidence. Modern microscopes have revealed ...

Intelligent design - RationalWiki

Intelligent design creationism (often intelligent design, ID, or ... One problem with finding evidence for intelligent design is the ...


... evidence for design. the proponents of intelligent design do not operate as legitimate scientists In science, all research must go through some sort of peer ...