
Here are 7 Reasons God Removes People from Your Life 1 ...

4 Reasons God Ordains Suffering for His People

1. To Kill Sin and Grow Godliness. God uses suffering to expose the sin that clings so closely to our hearts.

Why Did God Command Saul to Eliminate the Amalekites?

This past week, Pastor Andrew discussed the fall of Saul and had to deal with 1 Samuel 15:3. This verse records the words of God through the prophet Samuel ...

God's Purposes for Our Health - Sermons | Capitol Hill Baptist

... the redemption of your body remind you of the grand plan of what God's doing in your life. Your health is a gift (1 Cor. 4:7), and this ...

Trusting God When You're Tired of Trying - Proverbs 31 Ministries

In Jesus' Name, Amen. OUR FAVORITE THINGS. If you've tried it all — saying the right words and prayers, reading the right Bible verses — but ...

Why did God Create a World that He Knew was Going to Go Wrong ...

Many of us refuse to let go of our ways in order to walk in the ways of our Lord. The ways of our Creator and Savior are very straight. It takes ...

5 reasons why God removes people from your life - My Daily Devotion

Why would God remove someone you love from your life? Here are 5 reasons why God may remove someone for your life.

God Chose You as Your Child's Parent for a Reason - MyLifetree

But there is a common thread, one thing that does show up in the lives of all of the mothers: God chose them to be the mother of their children ...

Radical Prayer #1: God Wants To Honor You! (& Here's How)

However, when I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I became God's beloved daughter. At that point, God my Father gave me a whole lot of things I didn't deserve: ...


WHEN GOD REMOVES PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE - Let Them Go | DENZEL WASHINGTON MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO Some people come into your life for a reason, ...

When God Asks You to Do Something You Don't Want to Do

How do we as Christians accept when god changes everything when we make plans for our lives? The things we've placed in that we never saw our selves being a ...

Looking for Biblical Reasons to Quit Your Job? -

1. Your Job Is Outside the Will of God ... Many people stay in jobs they hate, because they feel like there is no alternative. And truthfully, ...

TRUST GOD When He Removes People From Your Life & Business

Are you asking yourself “why did they leave?” or “why did this happen to me?”. When people leave your life or you are being ghosted by a friend, it can be ...

Hindering Others from Encountering God | Renovation Church

One of the most serious sins we can commit is to hinder another person from encountering God. It's a sin so serious in magnitude that Jesus once flipped over ...

Lumen gentium - The Holy See

By reason of their state and rank in life they have their own special gift among the people of God.(109) (7*) From the wedlock of Christians there comes the ...

When God Cuts Off Our Idols - Redeemer Church Fort Worth

Idolatry manifests itself when we give our ultimate trust to something else or someone else for deliverance and satisfaction and meaning in life ...

God Replaces What He Takes Away - Chasing Dreams

The law states that if you give part of your life to sin, you WILL be negatively effected. There is no getting around it. God is not in Heaven ...

If God exists, why is there so much evil in this world?

“Some evils, such as the death of a friend or loved one, often cause us to reevaluate our lives. For instance, when men reach the midpoint of ...

What to do When God Seems Silent | Looking Upward

God is here for us and he does move in our lives. Take your focus off yourself and concentrate on the positive things in your life and ...

Why God Doesn't Always Heal (2 Cor. 12:8-10) - Sam Storms

God may have any number of reasons for this to which we are not privy, whether to discipline a wayward and rebellious church or to create a ...

Matthew 12:31-32 - The Unforgivable Sin - Redeeming God

The most famous example of someone who rejected and denied Christ is Peter. He even used profanity and curses in denying any connection to Jesus Christ. Yet we ...