
How Methanogenic Archaea Contribute to Climate Change

Shifts in methanogenic archaea communities and methane ... - PLOS

Overall, this study showed that ecological niches in anthropogenically altered environments appear to give an advantage to specialized ...

Evidence for nontraditional mcr-containing archaea contributing to ...

Methanogenesis has been widely accepted as a primordial metabo- lism that has influenced both past and current global climate change. (1, 2). Phylogenetic and ...

Strategies Used to Reduce Methane Emissions from Ruminants

Methanogenesis plays a crucial role in the digestive process of ruminant animals. During this process, methanogenic archaea produce methane as a byproduct ...

Seagrasses Continue to Emit Methane Decades After Death

Methane production, likely achieved by a diverse group of methanogenic archaea, occurs at similar rates in both alive and dead seagrasses, a study reports.

Mitigating Methane from Food and Agriculture

Online, accessed 1 May 2023. 5 Kanika Khanna, 2022. How Methanogenic Archaea Contribute to Climate Change, American. Society for Microbiology.

Climate tipping-point potential and paradoxical production of ...

Methane emission is hypothesized to have contributed to global climate change events and mass extinctions during Earth's history. Therefore, the study of ...

Effects on global warming by microbial methanogenesis in alkaline ...

these sources contribute to global warming. Therefore, studies of the ... the activity of methanogenic archaea (Fig. 3A). However, there was still ...

Effect of short-term warming and drought on the methanogenic ...

Peatland degradation and climate change affect methane emissions. ... wetland, archaea, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, climate change, water table.

The Hidden Methanogens - World Scientific Publishing

We are well aware of one of the most significant issues that challenge us: global warming. We know about greenhouse gas emissions and how this contributes ...

Review on Methanogenesis and its Role - Iris Publishers

Among anthropogenic sources of methanogenesis, livestock which is ruminal methanogenesis is the major and it contribute to global warming and ...

Diverse methylotrophic methanogenic archaea cause high methane ...

Diverse methylotrophic methanogenic archaea cause high methane emissions from seagrass meadows ... Authors: Sina Schorn; Soeren Ahmerkamp; Emma Bullock; Miriam ...

Climate tipping-point potential and paradoxical production of ...

Methane emission is hypothesized to have contributed to global climate change events and mass extinctions ... that methanogenic archaea contribute ...

Permafrost Meta-Omics and Climate Change - Annual Reviews

Microbes that decompose soil carbon produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributing substantially to climate change. Next- ...

Microbial methane production in oxygenated water column ... - PNAS

Potentially methanogenic Archaea were detected in situ in the oxygenated, methane-rich epilimnion, and their attachment to photoautotrophs might allow for ...

How scientists want to cut livestock's methane emissions - C&EN

Methane is a major cause of climate change. It's the second biggest ... “They're burping all the time.” By consuming hydrogen, the methanogenic ...

Scientists publish first experimental evidence for new groups of ...

The methane-producing single-celled organisms are called methanogens. While humans and other animals eat food, breathe oxygen and exhale carbon ...

Seagrasses continue to release methane after their die-off

As methanogenic archaea can use these compounds directly, methane production in seagrass meadows is highly efficient and robust against ...

The ruminal microbiome associated with methane emissions from ...

Methane is a greenhouse gas (GHG) with a global warming potential 28-fold that of carbon dioxide [1]. Agriculture makes a significant ...

The Role of Methanogens in Waste Water Treatment - microbewiki

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has a global warming potential of 25 in a 100 year time frame and is estimated to account for 20% of the ...

Methanogens: pushing the boundaries of biology - Portland Press

Methanogenic archaea release large quantities of methane to the atmosphere and play a significant role in controlling global climate. Methane, ...