
How can I help my child with mathematics if I'm terrible at it?

When You're Bad At Math - YouTube

Many people believe they are bad at math. There are different reasons that people might believe they are not good at mathematics, ...

Kids struggling in math? Try this "magic" method from Japan (VIDEO)

I don't just mean like “struggled with calculus” bad, I mean like “had to watch YouTube videos to relearn long division in order to help my 4th ...

My Mother Believed That Maths Was a Moral Issue - Medium

When I was a small child, my parents bought the entire set of the ... help me with my maths. That's probably because the schools were ...

A Parent's Dilemma: Extra Math or Electives with Friends?

All kids need math support. Even the kids in so-called “accelerated” classes because they have skipped over the fundamentals without really ...

What to do when you get a disappointing math test grade

Somehow getting a bad grade becomes like part of your identity! Even if everything feels completely, utterly impossible, remember, math is ...

Why Subtraction With Borrowing is Bad - The Recovering Traditionalist

If you actually go into the standards, you will find that multiple grade levels talk about having kids use strategies to help them when they are adding and ...

I'm a teenager hoping to become a mathematician, but math isn't my ...

For one, becoming good at mathematics (or anything) requires, above all, great practice and diligence and passion. Natural talent can help and ...

Why NOT to use Math Manipulatives - Its Not That Hard to Homeschool

The idea behind math manipulatives is that your child will learn to understand the WHY behind mathematical concepts if he can SEE them happening in front of ...

Marvin Minsky: What makes mathematics hard to learn? (2008)

I'm terrible at it. I feel like my childhood education did a ... helping my two kids (11,13) with their math work. Their teachers ...

Reflecting on My Own Math Experiences - Blogs @ MU

Technology, manipulatives, and children's literature are just a few tools I plan on using to enhance mathematics instruction for my students.

Math contests kind of suck | mathbabe

I'm helping put on a Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival at SF ... We might unfortunately be able to make kids feel bad when they don't ...

Why 100 Million Students Globally Don't Like Math #8 - LinkedIn

As a kid, you may have had a bad teacher or two. Maybe your ... I always ask the kids if they like math. In 1st and 2nd grade, every ...

Learning Math as an Adult (over the age of 30)

Or tell me which of these it was, if it were any of these. “I was always terrible at math.” “I hated math as a kid. I hated the times tables. I ...

Dyscalculia: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that disrupts math-related skills and abilities. Early treatment can help children learn to adapt to and overcome this ...

How To Help Your Baby Become A Math Genius (Or Not)

i'm just not sure why we're in such a hurry to have our babies read? i think if you care whether your child can read at age 9 months, your child ...

Teaching math with a mathematics disorder

I do think that not being able to recall math facts quickly will be a detriment. This is true not only when you are teaching math but, as was ...

Getting Math Students to Show Their Work - MiddleWeb

Just like their English teachers explicitly teach them how to write a good paper, math teachers need to show students how to create good work ...

Think Hard about Math-u-see. - Design Your Homeschool

There is not variety like other programs with the math principles. My children have taken a long time to a complete books because of the nature of the program.

Why I Won't Put My Son in Accelerated Math in Middle School

I would appreciate your help with this because I am confused. So what happens next year? If she takes 8th grade accelerated math next year what ...

Help My 7 year old dd and Maths just do not go together - Netmums

Sometimes kids can get confused because they get taught one way of doing something at school (e.g. adding) and parents try to teach them a ...