
How did you prepare your toddler for a sibling?

10 Tips for Introducing Your Older Child to a New Baby Sibling

Allow your older child to help pick out a gift for the new baby that they can give them upon meeting. Also, have a gift that the baby is giving ...

How to Prep Your Toddler for a New Baby - The Mama Coach

Look at pictures from the time you were pregnant with your toddler and from when she was born. Talk about how excited you were to meet her, how much you loved ...

How to prepare older siblings for the arrival of a new baby

You can also help older children prepare for a new sibling using toys, books, and TV. A great way to do this is by giving your child a doll to ...

10 Tips for Preparing a Child for a New Sibling - Brightside Academy

Talk about your child as a baby. Your child was at one point a new member of your family. Spend time showing pictures of them when they were newborns and how ...

Prepare Your Toddler for a New Sibling - San Diego Family Magazine

Share a story with her about her own birthday. Kids love to hear stories about when they were babies. Gruskin adds, “Reading books or watching videos about ...

Tips for new baby-sibling homecoming - Mayo Clinic Health System

Bring your child along when you shop for baby supplies. Once your baby arrives, smooth the homecoming by: Having your child come to the hospital ...

New baby: helping toddlers & preschoolers | Raising Children Network

For example, you could let them gently touch their new sibling when you're there to supervise. Or you could involve your toddler or preschooler ...

Preparing a Toddler for a New Sibling - Motherly

Just when you think it's all going belly-up, your toddler shows you ... could to prepare my daughter for the arrival of her baby sister. I ...

Welcoming a New Sibling: How to Help Your Child Adjust

Explain to your child that sometimes you need to take care of baby first. Although older siblings can help with feeding time or baby's bath time ...

Ask the Pediatrician: Preparing children for a new baby sibling

Starting to prepare your child months ahead of time is a good idea. Trying to impart some notion of “ownership” by the older brother or sister can be very ...

Preparing for a New Baby/Sibling - Mount Sinai - Parenting Center

Let your older children know that you will be gone during the birth of the new baby (how long you will be out of the house, where they will stay) ...

Oh, Brother! Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling

Once home, give baby over to your spouse or family member so you can spend some extra time with your elder child, and provide extra snuggles if ...

Preparing Siblings For A New Baby - Holly Springs Pediatrics

For younger children, you can use books, videos, or simple conversations to describe how babies grow in their mother's belly and how they will ...

Ways to Prepare your Toddler for a New Baby Sibling - Prega News

You will be lucky if you get to know that someone has had a baby recently in your family. This will help your toddler play the role of big ...

How to Prepare Your Older Children for a New Baby

Set aside special time for your older child. Read, play games, listen to music, or simply talk together. Show him that you love him and want to ...

How to Help Your Child Prepare for & Adjust to a New Sibling

If you reject your child and tell them, 'I can't play; I have to feed the baby,' your child may start to resent their sibling for getting in the ...

How to Prepare Your Toddler or Preschooler for a New Baby

Talk about how cute and fun they were as infants to get them excited to meet their younger sibling. Be honest about what to expect. Preparation is key for a ...

Preparing Your Toddler for a New Sibling - Healthiest Baby

Your assumptions and attitudes can influence the process of preparing your toddler for the arrival of a new baby. You may worry about giving too much attention ...

Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Sibling - Parents

Let your older child know you have an endless amount of love, and that loving the baby doesn't mean you have less love for them (as an example, ...

Preparing Siblings For A New Baby | DrGreene - Dr. Alan Greene

In the days and weeks to come, you will not be able, nor would it be best, to let your older son rule the household. Some things that will make the transition ...