
Inquiry learning or explicit teaching

What do explicit teaching strategies mean? - Quora

Explicit teaching strategies refer to instructional methods in which educators clearly and directly communicate information or skills to students.

Explicit Teaching and Modeling - Kentucky Department of Education

including inquiry and project-based learning (Ashman, 2021). Some educators view explicit teaching as commanding and rigid, upholding that students should come.

Common Misconceptions: Inquiry-Based Versus Explicit Instruction

MISCONCEPTION. Inquiry-based instruction should be the primary tactic used to teach math. Explicit instruction only is beneficial for struggling learners.

Balancing Explicit and Inquiry-Based Learning for Math Intervention

Explicit learning is a structured, teacher-centered approach to instruction emphasizing clear, direct teaching of mathematical concepts and ...

Kate Korber on LinkedIn: Can explicit teaching and Inquiry co-exist ...

Drawing upon Solution Fluency as a framework, teachers still use explicit teaching and a gradual release model across this duration to provide ...

Inquiry vs direct teaching for interdisciplinary STEM

in teaching. There is evidence on both sides of the explicit teaching/inquiry debate. I argue that the renewed focus on competences and ...

'Inherent risks': academics push back against NSW ed dept's explicit ...

One goes as far to say explicit teaching is “laden with inherent risks” and should not be adopted at the expense of inquiry learning ...

New science curriculum hits the sweet spot between explicit ...

It strikes an effective proportional balance between teacher-directed instruction and inquiry learning strategies that engage the natural curiosity of students ...


Students learn best through a less guided or “inquiry-based” approach to mathematics instruction or a more teacher-directed approach.

When to choose inquiry-based learning over direct instruction in STEM

Inquiry-based learning in STEM classrooms, long a contentious topic, has been making news since the introduction of the controversial ...

Greg Ashman on X: "Mixing explicit teaching ...

Mixing explicit teaching with inquiry learning A few thoughts When viewed as a system involving the gradual release of control from teacher ...

When is Inquiry not “Best Practice”? - Judy Imamudeen

With explicit instruction, you cue students in to the most essential information. English language learners. When you use consistent and clear ...

Explicit vs. Implicit Instruction | Definition & Strategies - Lesson

For example, in implicit phonics, or analytical phonics, students rely on analysis and contextual clues to learn new words. Moreover, teachers use inquiry, ...

Direct Instruction and Inquiry Learning - Partielo

Inquiry Learning is a student-centered instructional approach that emphasizes questioning, exploration, and critical thinking. Students are encouraged to ...

Unpacking explicit teaching - by Greg Ashman - Filling The Pail

What they seem to mean is that during an inquiry learning sequence, students may be given some instruction or perhaps a scaffold. Notice that we ...

105. Inquiry Based Learning or Direct Instruction? - YouTube

Comments8 ; Understanding Inquiry Based Learning (for Teachers). Room to Discover · 11K views ; Explicit Instruction versus Direct Instruction.

The Definition Of 5 Different Types Of Teaching - - TeachThought

Hattie suggests that inquiry teaching is particularly effective when it is combined with direct and explicit instruction, which provides ...

Explicit instruction optimises learning

Explicit instruction is a systematic, engaging and success-oriented teaching approach. It involves fully explaining and effectively demonstrating what students ...

Why Inquiry Based Learning needs Explicit Teaching and vice versa

Inquiry-based learning (IBL) and explicit teaching are often seen as opposing instructional approaches. However, when used in conjunction, ...

Explicit teaching mandate - a pushback now is critical

To be fair, the “straw-man” tactic against explicit instruction has also been used widely against inquiry learning. Common sense would provide ...