
Is an apostrophe with a decade

The Correct Way to Abbreviate 2010 - wordsintotype

When abbreviating a year, remove the first two numbers and indicate the omission by using an apostrophe: 2009 becomes '09 (not '09); 2010 ...

When should I use an apostrophe? - Editor Australia

Some other scenarios apostrophes should be used in · Decades—when abbreviating decades of time use apostrophe before words like '60s and '80s, as it makes it ...

Writing Tip: Apostrophes and Decades - Write and Polish

Reminder -- when giving decades of time, there is never an apostrophe before the "s." However, if truncating the decade, an apostrophe does take the place ...

The Apostrophe with Letters, Numbers, and Abbreviations

To form the plural of multi-digit numbers (such as for decades), add an s: the 1980s, the 1990s. The same principle applies to abbreviated numbers: Jake's ...

All about apostrophes - Lyrical Pens

” (meaning, the best director of that decade), “70s” is both plural and possessive. ... Strictly speaking, '90s, with the apostrophe, is correct.

Apostrophes and plurals - Current Publishing

To answer your first question, if you're talking about a specific decade like the 1960s, and you want to be a little less formal, writing it as ...

Apostrophe | Effective Writing Practices Tutorial

Rule to Remember ... Do not add an apostrophe at the end of a number indicating a time period: 1960s, 1800s, etc. After symbols: Correct ...

Decades (CMOS 9.33)

Just be consistent, and be sure to get the apostrophe right ('20s, not '20s). ... decade of any century cannot be treated in the same way as other ...

Poll: Do you use an apostrophe in plural dates? -

We'd use an apostrophe to denote something belonging to 1990. The decade is simply a set of years, so it is "1990s". Gus Payne. This is fairly straight forward: ...

Apostrophes - University of Lynchburg

No apostrophe is used since the decade is not possessing any specific attribute. Example: The 1920s was a decade of change. Use of Apostrophes with ...

Stop creating apostrophe catastrophes - LinkedIn

🔘 When the quantity or measurement (two decades) appears before a noun (knowledge), use the apostrophe where appropriate. Thus, "two decades' ...

Shortened version of a year requires an apostrophe

When you shorten 2012 to just '12, use an apostrophe. That versatile punctuation mark (a robust one being correctly used is pictured at left) fills in for the ...

Apostrophe Introduction - Purdue OWL

the 1960s = the years in decade from 1960 to 1969. The 1960s were a time of ... Apostrophes should not be used with possessive pronouns because possessive ...

apostrophes in dates | Language Usage Weblog -

This week's first tip focuses on the use of apostrophes when referring to a decade (e.g., the 1960's, the 1990's). The tip is: DO NOT use an ...

"apostrophe s" or "'s" in American Sign Language (ASL) - Lifeprint

If you write (in English) about years or decades you would do well to eliminate the apostrophe for "centuries" (for example: 1800s) and move the apostrophe ...

Apostrophes: One Mark, Three Ways - MLA Style Center

7.23), the possessive of singular nouns ending in s is formed by adding an apostrophe only, so if you follow that convention, "Margarita and ...

Apostrophes: Are You Over- Or Underusing Them? - StyleBlueprint

Decade names are often contracted to shorten them. But because we are omitting numbers, the apostrophe comes before the decade. The 1970s ...

When NOT to Use an Apostrophe: Avoid Common Mistakes

decades as nouns - add "s," no apostrophe (I wish I lived in the 1920s.) · a single year as a possessive noun - add an apostrophe and "s" (1924's ...

How do you write the decade: 90s, '90s, or 90's? (Plus other ...

When writing about a decade, it used to be more common to use an apostrophe, and it seems that old style guides support that. However, that ...

What is the abbreviation for decade? -

Use the letter s but not an apostrophe after the figures when expressing decades or centuries. Do, however, use an apostrophe before figures ...