
S|Matrix Poles for Unstable|Particle Scattering

physical review - CORE

An investigation is made of the possible time dependence of decay laws for unstable particles. The prob- ability P(t) that an unstable particle has not decayed ...

S-matrix in nLab

This scattering can be softer than the exchange of any one of these particles, because exchanging a particle of high spin necessarily has very ...

matrix theory to strings - PhilSci-Archive

“Reggeons” to distinguish them from elementary particles. 52 In scat- tering processes where only one type of exchanged particle was involved, ...

Note Exact Two-Particle S-Matrix of Quantum Sine-Gordon Solitons

This gives hard restrictions on particle scattering processes in this model. Namely, the set of particles constituting the final state of scattering and the set ...


Pinx = Pn in>. Spectrum of in>. Considering theory with single particle states. {isolated particles, very ...

Natural boundaries for scattering amplitudes - SciPost

For instance, it contains the resonance poles of unstable particles, resulting in the Breit–Wigner peaks observable in particle colliders. For ...

S-Matrix Poles Close to Threshold -

two cases has been made quite explicitlyby Dalitz. " C. Two-Channel Case, One Particle. Unstable: Woolly Cusp. The way to generalize the formulas ...

Shadow pole contribution to the S-matrix in potential scattering

... poles' in particle physics are discussed. 1. Introduction. In the analytic S-matrix theory, one seeks to interpret the scattering phenomena in terms of the ...

Resonance Signatures in + − Scattering: Theoretical Analysis and ...

Scattering matrix poles reveal system states and provide insights into bound states and resonances. Unstable particle poles relocate to the Second Riemann ...

scattering and number theory

The scattering matrix is causal, its analytic continuation has the expected poles ... S matrix for a Dirac particle scattering. We then present a description of ...

Observing S-Matrix Pole Flow in Resonance Interplay

In theories of quantum scattering, one way to parameterise resonant scattering between particles is by means of poles of the system's ...

Unstable Particles in Quantum Mechanics, Analytic S-matrix Theory ...

Unstable Particles in Quantum Mechanics, Analytic S-matrix Theory and ... The S-matrix has a second-sheet pole only if. The poles occur at a ...

Unitarity and unstable-particle scattering amplitudes

Unitarity is the fundamental property of the S-matrix, while its usage for a scattering of unstable particles ... Since the stable-particle poles ...

Lectures on scattering theory in partial-wave amplitudes - Pedeciba

Free particle states ◻ Scattering states, in and out states, and ... invariant amplitudes ◻ Cuts in the s plane for PWAs due to poles and cuts in ...

Four-Particle Scattering in Nonrelativistic Theory. II - CiteSeerX

two-particle scattering matrix. (3). (4). (5) which is represented in Fig. 2, where Tij is the scattering matrix between i and j particles in the four ...


“In” state |i⟩in: Free particle in remote past. “Out” state out⟨j|: Free particle in remote future. S-matrix takes “in” states to “out” (with wave packets:.

Resonances as poles of the scattering matrix

Resonances as poles of the scattering matrix. We first have to define the scattering matrix. For that we will take a quantum mechanical point of view and ...

$S$-matrix pole symmetries for non-Hermitian scattering Hamiltonians

particle in one dimension) possessing one of four certain symmetries, the poles of the S-matrix eigenvalues in the complex momentum plane ...

Exact S-matrices for a class of 1+1-dimensional integrable factorized ...

amplitude in (2.3) are simple poles, corresponding to the exchange of particle of mass ... s of the particles involved in the scattering described by the S-matrix ...

Matthew Schwartz | What is the S-matrix? - YouTube

... S matrix is only valid for theories in which all particles are massive. With massless particles, and associated long-range interactions, the S ...