
Students' Perceptions of the use of a YouTube channel specifically ...

students' perception on the role of youtube video as a learning ...

students' perceptions about the use of Youtube videos for ... According to Moelong: 2012, the interview is a conversation with a specific purpose.

YouTube and Education: A Scoping Review - IEEE Xplore

Kilis, “Students' perceptions of the use of a youtube channel specifically designed for an academic speaking skills course,”. Eurasian Journal of Applied ...

Youtube As A Learning Medium (Communication Student ...

Youtube As A Learning Medium (Communication Student Perceptions of Using Youtube Channels as an Alternative Medium of Learning in the Digital ...

physical therapist student preference of a program-specific youtube ...

The videos were uploaded to the program-specific, private YouTube channel and their use ... Nursing students perceptions of using YouTube to teach ...

YouTube's influential factors for academic achievement: A two-stage ...

Nowadays, people are using YouTube as a learning tool. Mainly students are frequent users of YouTube. They use it for various purposes, one of the reasons ...


Smart Learning Environments, 7(1), 24-33. Balbay, S., & Kilis, S. (2017). Students' perceptions of the use of a YouTube channel specifically designed for an ...

University Students' Attitudes towards the Use of YouTube in the ...

Balbay, S., & Kilis, S. (2017). Students' perceptions of the use of a YouTube channel specifically designed for an Academic Speaking Skills ...

Exploring the Effect of YouTube on English Major Students ...

... YouTube channel preferences, with VOA Learning English being particularly ... Students' perceptions on the use of English vlogs on YouTube to ...


Findings from this research indicate that the majority of students showed a positive perception toward and a willingness to use YouTube in the EFL classroom. It ...

YouTube for EFL Students: Perceptions on Building Speaking ...

Most people, it is thought, have a YouTube account. As a result, teachers have a fantastic opportunity to use this information to help their ...

Students' Perceptions in Using YouTube to Improve Their Speaking ...

The findings suggest that although the students' perceptions of using YouTube videos in English language learning are highly positive, they are generally unsure ...

Students' Perception on the Use of YouTube as a Learning Media in ...

Additionally, future researchers may discover more comprehensive. Page 56. 46 data regarding specific YouTube channels that could serve as ...

students' perception of using youtube to learn speaking in

Students' Perceptions of the use of a YouTube channel specifically designed for an Academic Speaking Skills Course. a Middle East. Technical University ...


and language, in a specific context naturally and by utilizing various scientific methods. This research was conducted in SMA Darussalam. The address is at ...

Descriptive and Thematic Analysis of Students' Perceptions of ...

Students' Perceptions of the use of a YouTube channel specifically designed for an Academic Speaking Skills Course. Eurasian Journal of Applied. Linguistics ...

Vocational School Students’ Perceptions of Learning Extensive ...

The conclusions of the interviews were strengthened by the results, which that revealed students agreed among the application of YouTube videos ...

Students' Perceptions Toward Blended Learning Through Youtube

The findings indicate a generally positive perception among students towards the use of YouTube in blended learning. Students recognize the benefits of YouTube ...

How Youtube Assist Teachers in Developing Material? | ETDC

Students' Perceptions of the use of a YouTube channel specifically designed for an Academic Speaking Skills Course. Eurasian Journal of ...

Nursing Students Perceptions of Using YouTube to Teach ...

Results demonstrated that students prefer YouTube videos when learning new skills. They reported feeling better prepared to learn.

Exploring student perceptions of asynchronous video in online ...

The results suggest that while video has the potential to improve social presence, it ultimately depends on both how the video is used in the online classroom ...