

World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme

The goal is to promote sustainable development based on heritage values and create added tourist value for the sites. UNESCO World Heritage Journeys of the EU.

Improving the effectiveness of tourism policy instruments for SDG ...

Tourism4SDG is an innovative EU-financed project that aims to make tourism more sustainable across Europe. Focussing on enhancing partners' ...

Policy Guidelines for Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals - ohchr

In Australia, the accessible tourism market reaches 1.3 million people and accounts for 3.2 billion Australian dollars annual expenditure. When taking into.

What is sustainable tourism? Examples that can save the planet

Another example of sustainable tourism that is closely linked to the circular economy is the approach to carbon neutrality. Undoubtedly, an aspect to consider ...

UNCTAD DGFF2016 SDG Goal 8.9 - Sustainable Tourism Policy

For the group of developing countries as a whole, a significant impact of international tourism on total output cannot be recorded. International tourism ...

A critical framework for interrogating the United Nations Sustainable ...

Our paper offers tools for critically thinking through the potential for the SDGs to help shape the tourism industry for more sustainable, equitable, and just ...

Review 2030 Agenda and sustainable business models in tourism

An increasing number of tourism companies adopt sustainable strategies. •. The SDGs represent a new challenge for tourism enterprises. •. Academics have ...

Tourism Geographies and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In the 1990s sustainability emerged as a major innovation and point of departure for tourism development and research. Since that many scholars and regional ...

What is sustainable tourism? - Travel Foundation

The aim of sustainable tourism is to increase the benefits and to reduce the negative impacts caused by tourism.

Travel for SDGs | SDG 4 Education | Sustainable Tourism

Inclusiveness: The tourism sector can provide incentives to further invest in education and labour mobility, especially inclusive of youth, women, senior ...

A Critical Commentary on the SDGs and the Role of Tourism - OUCI

... tourism industry towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Tour. ... Tourism 4 SDGs. Available online:

Transforming Tourism to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2019, there were about 1.5 billion international tourists worldwide and Asia and the Pacific was one of the fastest growing for tourist ...

Sustainable Development Goals localisation in the tourism sector

There is increasing concern over the sustainability of the tourism industry, which is blamed for contributing to several environmental ...

Tourism | UNEP - UN Environment Programme

... tourism value chain. We develop public and private partnerships, and UN Environment encourages demand for sustainable tourism products and services.

Sustainable Tourism: An Untapped Opportunity for Green Growth

Research shows that travelers feel that the travel and tourism sector is making little or no effort to be more sustainable.

Task Team on Sustainable Tourism - IAEG-SDGs — SDG Indicators

1: Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate remained the sole indicator for Target 8.9. The tourism sector is a vital contributor to ...

6 years to the Global Goals – here's how tourism can help get us there

... for all, making them a cornerstone of the SDGs. However, tourism businesses face a labour shortage to cope with travel demand. We must make ...

Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC): Criteria, Standards ...

GSTC manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism, and acts as the international accreditation body for sustainable tourism certification.

The Misguided Regeneration Debate and How Travel Can Actually ...

The best way for the tourism industry to support regeneration is to support sustainable development and the SDGs in local communities.

How can destinations align with Sustainable Development Goals?

In 2017, GLP produced a video highlighting the often-overlooked benefits of sustainable tourism for the United Nation's declared ...

Sustainable Development Goal 8

Sustainable Development Goal 8 is about "decent work and economic growth" and is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which were established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.

SDG+ Competition - International Youth Day